Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2228: Is really illusory

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A hundred.

Just a little regret.

At this moment of death, she suddenly remembered Mochuan.

Don't know where he is? Does he know he is going to die?

If he knew, would he come to save himself?

Shen Ning did not expect to be rescued, she just wanted to take a look at this man who had moved her heart before she died.

But that is impossible.

Suddenly, she seemed to see a familiar face and a pair of familiar eyes in the blazing flames and the dark smoke. Those eyes were as deep as the sea.

Those are Mo Chuan's eyes!

She thought she was wrong, she must be wrong.

People often hallucinate before they die, and see the person they most want to see. So, is she really going to die?

A strong black smoke hit her, and she was choked fiercely, and then her eyes were black, and she fainted.

She was trapped in darkness and chaotic.

Is this dead?

I don't know if this time of death, will her soul cross again, or will it disappear?

But she was unwilling to die, and she just died because she lost an important thing, that is her heart.

She still owes Mo Chuan an explanation, but unfortunately she has no chance to explain to him in her life.

Not knowing how long it passed, Shen Ning's consciousness slowly recovered, her consciousness began to wake up.

Before opening her eyes, her first reaction was that she was not dead!

She could not feel the hot flame licking her skin. Although she was in pain all over now, it was a kind of pain after being burned by the fire, but she also reminded her that she still felt pain, indicating that she was alive.

Shen Ning opened his eyes slowly, and what he saw was red.

Very bright red!

In a trance, she seemed to be back in the fire, but then she discovered that this shocking red was not a fire, but a red room with a brightly decorated room, almost everything in the room. It's a big red, with double happiness decorations everywhere.

Was he sent back to Xifang by Chu Shaoyang again?

It turned out that he finally saved himself!

Not only did Shen Ning feel happy because she had escaped from death, but her heart sank deeper into the abyss.

Chu Shaoyang did not let her die, but also sent her into a new house, must still want to continue to torture her, with his temperament, he will never allow her to betray, he will let her be burned to death so easily?

He could come up with the vicious idea of ​​observing the numerous candles in the lobby with her garland, what else could he do!

When she thought of the horrifying picture, a layer of goose bumps appeared on her body, making her forget the pain of the fire.

If it weren't for the sudden fire, she is afraid that Chu Shaoyang would have eaten and wiped it out, or in such a humiliating way.

But where is the current situation better?

She found that she was still unable to move, but not because she was loose, but because she was tied into a dumpling with five flowers and she had recovered her strength, but no matter how hard she struggled, she could n’t get it. The binding of the rope.

The technique of tying the rope was very clever. The harder she struggled, the tighter the rope was tied. The rope was deeply plunged into her muscles. The skin that had been burned by the fire was tightened by the rough rope and hurt. She sweated out.

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