Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2227: Her punishment

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"What's the matter?" Chu Shaoyang reached out his hand.

The butler was busy putting the large blue and white porcelain jar carefully in the hand of the prince.

"Master, things are heavy, you be careful."

Chu Shaoyang hugged the blue and white porcelain jar, stroking the smooth bottle with his hand, a strange and gentle smile appeared on his face.

That smile actually gave the butler a creepy feeling.

It turned out that Chu Shaoyang's blind eyes were dim and dull, but at this time a burst of brilliance suddenly burst out, and the cold was pressing, as if it could penetrate the porcelain bottle.

"Finally, I hugged you again, this time, I see how you escaped me."

Chu Shaoyang stroked the bottle and murmured. Then, the two doors slammed shut, shutting the housekeeper's sight away.

The housekeeper's eyes were wide, and he hadn't recovered for a long time.

He only felt the chills in his back, as if he had fallen into the cold weather, and the cold climbed from the bottom of his feet.

Only the strange sound of Chu Shaoyang came from the room, but the housekeeper couldn't help but peep out of the gap in the window.

He saw Chu Shaoyang sitting on the ground holding the big porcelain bottle, and pressed his face against the smooth bottle, revealing a gentle smile, and suddenly chuckled and murmured as if whispering.

But there was no one besides the prince in the room!

The butler only felt that the cold hairs had exploded, and suddenly withdrew his gaze, and never dared to peek again.

Lord, he ... wo n’t be too sad, crazy!

God, the death of the concubine was too stimulating to the prince, making the prince so crazy, holding a bottle of ash as a baby.

"No, I will report the news to the second prince quickly, and ask the second prince to ask the doctor to take care of the prince."

The loyal butler went busy.

"Ning'er, you will stay with me in the future, never leave me again, and no one will take you away from me again, it's nice, this way, really good." Chu Shaoyang hugged the bottle , With a satisfied smile on his face.



The hot flames spread upwards along the corner of Shen Ning's clothes. Her hair and clothes were all on fire. The hot flames licked her skin. She almost screamed in pain, but she gritted her teeth. live.

She couldn't let herself succumb in front of Chu Shaoyang, and she couldn't show her weakness. In fact, after she took the soft tendon, her whole body couldn't use her strength. Even if she wanted to cry, she couldn't cry.

In the blaze of fire, she saw Chu Shaoyang's cold eyes fixed on her face, and the cold-hearted face of the past was cold as if looking at a stranger.

Then he left her unrequitedly, allowing her to be swallowed by the flames.

She saw him shuttle through the sea of ​​fire and rescued the guests from the sea of ​​fire, but never looked at her again.

Haha, interesting.

This man is the man she gave up Mo Chuan wholeheartedly to marry.

Is it ironic?

But she didn't feel how sad or sad. Perhaps, this was the real Chu Shaoyang. What was exposed before her in the past was just a mask for him to please her.

Unexpectedly she Shen Ning also had blind eyes this day.

Shen Ning closed her eyes and opened them again.

She didn't look at Chu Shaoyang anymore, but stared at a burning beam above her head.

It did n’t take long for the beam to burn out and then hit her head.

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