Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2202: Lion and prey

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Only Chu Shaoyang laughed and said, "Scared? Haha, Your Highness, you are wrong. The bride of this king is so brave that she can't be scared! What she can do It's much bolder than her. "

He lowered his head, stared at Shen Ning's eyes playfully, and squeezed her face with a smile. "Ning'er, what do you do with your eyes wide open, is the husband right?"

Shen Ning's lips moved, but he didn't speak.

It's not that she didn't want to talk, but she suddenly discovered that her body became undominated by her brain, and she couldn't even move a little finger.

"Chu Shaoyang, what did you do to me?" Her lips moved slightly. He was so close to her that she would be able to understand her lips.

Chu Shaoyang narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"you guess."

He said in a voice that only she could hear.

A flash of light flashed in Shen Ning's mind, and she suddenly remembered that she was in front of the sedan chair, and Xipozi served a bowl of soup soup stewed with longan, red dates, and peanuts.

At that time, she was squashed with ears by the mother-in-law. Although she didn't feel hungry, she drank a clean drink.

"That sweet soup, did you take the medicine?" She moved her lips again.

Chu Shaoyang's eyes lit up and nodded with a smile.

"Yes, it's a little clever, I almost doubt that you are back again." He gently stroked her hair, looking at everyone's eyes, only to feel that he was tender and considerate, causing a roar.

"Why, why?" She glared at him, her lips closed, and asked silently.

"Haha, good question! Why?" Chu Shaoyang's eyes gleamed cruelly and excitedly, like a blood-eating lion staring at his prey, and said, "Next, I will let you know why ! "

As soon as his voice fell, he could only hear the sound of tearing cloth, and it rang in the Xitang, which was so quiet that he could drop a needle.


The crowd suddenly exclaimed, and many people stood up at the same time, their eyes widened.

Because he got up so fiercely, some people turned over the jug and spilled the wine from the ground, and some kicked the chair, but no one paid attention to these little things, even the people who served tea and water were stunned. He closed his eyes and looked blankly at the center of Xitang.

Chu Shaoyang had a bright red cloth in his hand, but it was a woman's sleeve. To be precise, this sleeve was torn from the bride's wedding dress.

One of the bride's left arms, like frost and snow, was exposed unscathed.

Good, good, so bold!

Everyone's jaw almost fell.

The bridegroom's actions made them unheard of, unseen!

How can the bridegroom tear the bride's sleeves at the wedding, what is he, he, he doing!

But the overwhelming majority of the people present were men. Chu Shaoyang ’s actions undoubtedly stimulated the dark side of their hearts, leaving them with a small flame in their hearts, their eyes glowing with excitement, staring firmly at the bride Arms.

Gee, this skin is so tender that it can almost pinch out the water!

The boy with the surname Chu is really blessed. The bride not only has a beautiful face, she also needs skin!

Many people's breathing has increased unconsciously.

Tuobazheng's face was all red, and he asked himself to be wild, but compared with Chu Shaoyang's move, he was really far worse.

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