Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2201: Hat on his head

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The bright red dress made her skin look white and delicate, and her eyes were clear and bright, like the stars in the night fog.

Seeing her up close like this made her have a dazzling beauty. Chu Shaoyang couldn't keep his eyes off for a moment. He couldn't tell whether he was doing a drama or not. Kiss her lips, then hold her tightly in her arms and do whatever you want ...

Oh, she didn't expect that until now, she could stir up the blood in his body and make him have such crazy thoughts.

Chu Shaoyang shook his head mockingly, leaving behind the crazy thought in his mind.


"very beautiful!"

"Heaven goes down!"

There was no shortage of young guests, they applauded cheeringly, among them Tuoba Zheng's voice was the loudest.

Such a beautiful bride was brought back for Brother Chu himself. Hearing everyone's praise, he also had a sense of honor and glory.

The smile on Chu Shaoyang's face was even brighter. His eyes never left her face, but the voice was directed at the guests.

"Then do you want to know, is this beautiful girl whom I am married by Chu Shaoyang, whether she is icy and clean, or is it still a flower?"

His voice fell to the ground, and the noise and applause of the whole house paused.

The guests all had their eyes widened and could hardly believe their ears.

What, what?

Did they hear it wrong?

It must be wrong! How can such ridiculous and hard-to-find things be said on such a cheerful occasion!

Even Tuoba Zheng's face was incredible.

Brother Chu, he must have drunk too much.

However, Chu Shaoyang's voice then rang.

"Before today, Ben Wang heard that many people were talking about Ben Wang ’s bride, saying that she was taken captive and lost her innocence, and some people said that the hat on Ben ’s head was not red but green. Yes! Therefore, this king is in front of everyone, let everyone see clearly, is this king's bride perfect? ​​"

The people present were stunned. Even if a thunderbolt sounded on a sunny day, they would not be thundered like this.

The happy women were even more shocked. They stood there like clay figures, daring not to speak or move.

See clearly? How to see clearly?

Could it be that King Chu was going to be in front of these many guests and the bride's cave?

Tuobazheng frowned. Although he was thick and thick, he also found that Chu Shaoyang was not the same in peacetime. Even such unscrupulous people could not do such absurd things.

He gave a strong laugh and said with a laugh: "Brother Chu, you must have drunk too much, where would anyone dare to say this kind of bullshit! If someone dared to chew on your tongue, brother will not beat him, the younger brother will fight It ’s all nonsense to talk about teeth. It ’s nonsense! Brother Chu, you ’d better bring your bride into the cave, be careful to frighten the bride. "

After Tuobazheng finished speaking, he could n’t help but glance at Shen Ning, who was caught in the palm of Chu Shaoyang, and he was a little puzzled. If he changed another bride, he would be shocked or scared if he heard such words. It's more than crying.

But the bride in front of him still had a surprisingly calm face, except that the deep black eyes became deeper and darker.

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