Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Chu Shaoyang has never been so rude to her, especially when he was married, he unconsciously pinched her wrists with bruises.

There must be something in his heart!

Is he still unable to put Chu Mochuan? Or is he sick?

She instinctively reached out to take his pulse.

When her finger touched his pulse, she suddenly remembered a strange question: Hey, when did I learn medicine? Actually feel the pulse?

Then she reacted, yes, but she worshipped the first **** doctor Gu Qingze as a teacher, and the famous teacher gave a high apprentice. It is not surprising that she would feel the pulse.

But why, she can't remember when she learned?

There was chaos in her mind, but the pulse on her hand told her that Chu Shaoyang's heart was beating fast and complicated. He had something in his mind and he was uncertain.

"Ben Wang's body is okay, why is the princess worried about the night of the garland of candles in the cave? To be assured, this king will definitely make you satisfied."

Chu Shaoyang smiled, and the sunlight near noon shone on his face, making his smile bright and dazzling, attracting the eyes of a large group of people around him.

His words were more ambiguous than his smile, and even the happy ladies blushed slightly.

Shen Ning's heart sank slightly.

It was just that she was too late to say anything. Chu Shaoyang no longer gave her the opportunity to speak. She bent down slightly and carried her back, striding toward the Wangfu inner hall.

The firecrackers and drums sounded loudly, and everyone applauded and cheered.

In this messy and lively atmosphere, she can't say anything, even if she is afraid of speaking, she can't hear her voice.

Chu Shaoyang did not carry her directly into Xitang, but entered an auricle next to Xitang, which was also decorated with flowers and bursting with joy.

Because there is still a little time before Ji Shi, as a groom, Chu Shaoyang needs to enter Xitang first.

After he put her down, he turned around and left, without any attachment.

"Chu Shaoyang!"

Suddenly, her voice sounded behind her.

Chu Shaoyang's footsteps took a slight pause, but he didn't stay, but left without looking back.

Shen Ning heard the sound of his footsteps leaving, and his heart was suspicious.

She almost couldn't help but remove the red hipa and chase it out, but a lot of happy bridesmaids stopped her.

"Princess concubine, the auspicious time hasn't arrived. You can go out when you worship the world for a while, no hurry, no hurry, hee hee."

Everyone hid their mouths and laughed. It was the first time they saw such a bride eager to go out to worship heaven and earth.

Shen Ning bit her lip.

She had already heard the noise in the banquet hall outside. Apparently, the hall was full of guests attending the banquet. The voices were noisy, and her heart followed the mess.

She was a little confused. Is this the wedding she wanted?

Why do you have an urge to throw away all these messes and leave here far away!

She took a deep breath, calmed her mood, and sat down slowly.

Perhaps this is pre-marriage phobia, and it will be better to wait for the church to become a pro.

"It's time for Ji, the bride please go out and worship the world with the prince."

The happy ladies lifted her up, tucked a piece of red silk cloth into her hand, surrounded her and walked towards Xitang.

All the ministers who came to the banquet were the powerful ministers in the capital of South Vietnam. Even the emperor sent the most trusted Yu Qian general manager to come to He Xi, and the pro-guirs were all seated.

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