Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2196: How can flowers never be defeated?

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"Oh, prince, please do not hurt the bride."

The happy women were taken aback and reminded hurriedly.

They have been the happy mother-in-law for so many years. They do n’t know how many people have seen a marriage. For the first time, they have seen such an anxious and rude groom.

Then everyone laughed.

"It turns out that the prince is too anxious, hee hee, no wonder the prince, seeing such a beautiful bride, anyone can't help but want to back into it early, if it is late, I am afraid it will be robbed.

The smile on Chu Shaoyang's face was slightly stiff, and the hand holding Shen Ning's wrist exerted force unconsciously.

Run away?

Haha, very good. It seems that the things she has been taken away have spread all over the streets and streets, maybe everyone knows that a green hat is on her head.

It turns out that he has become a laughing stock in the crowd.

Very good, let them laugh, be proud, laugh, he will surprise them all!

"Master, please carry the bride into the house, Ji Ji is about to arrive." The happy women saw Chu Shaoyang grabbing the bride's wrist, but they did not move, and said one after another.

Chu Shaoyang slowly let go of his fingers, and saw a circle of bluish-purple appear on the bright white wrist.

To his surprise, she didn't say a word from beginning to end.

Did she change sex?

Still frightened by what he said when he left yesterday, so he dared not speak out.

Huh, she thought that she would be wronged and tolerated, would she let her go?

Chu Shaoyang's lips sneered, and he looked at her calmly.

"Shaoyang, are you sick?"

She suddenly stretched out her hand under the red towel, and her two delicate jade fingers rested on his pulse accurately, and her voice was as clear and soft as usual.

Chu Shaoyang was startled.

Shaoyang? She actually called her name?

Ever since he brought her back from that cave and she woke up, she has always called herself a prince. The expression was a bit humble and pleased with caution. The one she was familiar with in peacetime was simply a parody.

It was precisely because of her attitude change that he had the illusion that she was just a fake, a fake wearing a human skin mask!

But soon his doubts were rejected by Gu Qingze.

Her body is still her body, but her character has changed dramatically.

The solitary, arrogant and arrogant girl who disappeared from the water was gone, and she was replaced by a promised woman who only knew how to please him.

Chu Shaoyang sneered.

Perhaps this is really her.

She did something bad, and knew that she was sorry for herself, so she would do Xiao Fu low in front of him, thinking that it would make him change his mind.

Unfortunately, she still used the wrong method!

Who is Chu Shaoyang, and how can ordinary women get his eyes?

Everybody's ladylike girl like her, Chu Shaoyang hooked his finger casually, as many as he wanted!

The one he likes is the one who is different!

Beauty is not enough!

What is a beautiful skin pouch, red face changes easily, how can flowers last forever?

Was he Chu Shaoyang so shallow?

Although Shen Ning covered her face with red towel and could not see Chu Shaoyang's face or the disgust and contempt in his eyes, she was keenly aware that something was wrong.

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