Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2192: He is a pure man

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!


"Where is the drunk!"

"Dare to fight the princess's idea, get away!"

The crowd swarmed up and waved their weapons to greet Thousand-faced Master.

Tuobazheng was terrified and shouted, "Hugh hurts thousands of girls! If she loses a hair, the prince will need your head!"

It is said that the weapons of the people stopped in the air one after another, daring not to hit the thousand-faced son.

Thousand-faced son ignored everyone. He pulled off the car curtain and saw a girl in a red wedding dress sitting in the flower sedan with her head covered in red scarves, a slim figure, and a graceful sitting posture.

His heart was shocked, this familiar figure is not Shen Ning, who else?

"You ..." His voice didn't fall, and suddenly he heard a sudden wind blowing behind him.

Thousand-faced son flashed around and turned around, only to see that the second prince, who was wearing a red garland and mistakenly regarded him as a groom, was staring blankly at himself, the expression on his face was obsessed, as if he saw heaven Fall like a big baby.

"Thousands of girls, do you ... do you still recognize me? Do you know that I have been looking for you during this time, I ... I am thinking of you every day! You ... you are here to find me, yes Isn't it? "Tuobazheng was shocked and happy, his voice trembling.


Was Tuoba Zheng's brain kicked by a horseshoe!

Qianmianzi glanced at Tuobazheng like a fool. He didn't even bother to take care of others. He still had a stomach to tell Shen Ning.

Looking back, he hadn't waited for him to speak, his right arm was tight, and he had been firmly held by Tuoba Zheng.

"Let go! Are you sick!" The Thousand-faced Master slammed hard, but he didn't.

Tuobazheng's arms were tight, and he had hugged him around his waist, shouting with joy: "Thousands, I finally found you, haha, hahaha!"

He laughed loudly, and suddenly, his laughter came to an abrupt end, his eyes wide open.

"You ... you ..." His arm suddenly became sore and weak, and he hung down, staring blankly at the thousand-faced son.

Thousand-faced son looked cold as frost, and gave him a cold look: "If you dare to do it to me next time, I will kill you!"

Tuobazheng shouted: "Thousands of thousands, I ... you misunderstood me! The person to be married is not me, it is ... someone else! I only have you in my heart, and there are no other women, you go with me ! I will confide the father and emperor, marry you as a concubine! "

What is this and what!

Thousand-faced son thinks he really drank too much today, otherwise how could he not understand what Tuobazheng said?

When will you marry him as a concubine? I am obviously a pure man!

"Go away! I want to talk to her, if you dare to stop me again, Hugh blame me for being unkind to you!" He waved his fist at Tuoba Zheng.

Tuobazheng smiled indifferently, "Qianqian, you want to hit me, I will just hit you, as long as you come home with me, you want to talk to the bride? Well, after we become pro, I can Take you to the palace of Chu Wang, as long as you want to talk to her, as long as I and Brother Chu are in a life-long relationship! But now you do n’t stop the sedan chair, if you delay the good fortune that Chu and the bride come to the church, Chu But he will be greatly unhappy. If Brother Chu is not happy, he will not be as polite as this prince. "

Thousand-faced son almost sprayed.

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