Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2191: Not allowed to marry!

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The thousand-faced son listened to the brighter his eyes, he could not wait for the drinker to finish, interrupting him:

"The flower sedan below, is that poor girl?"

The drinker nodded again and again: "It's her! It's her! I heard that she looks beautiful as a fairy, and that day, Lord Chu took her to Cuiyuzhai to buy jewelry. When she went out, everyone's eyes were straight, they all said this I have never seen such a beautiful girl in my life, it is even more beautiful than the one I picked out from the painting. Hey, unfortunately I was not there at the time and I could not see the girl ’s face ... "

Qianmianzi could not hear what the drinker was talking about.

His eyes were fixed on the flower sedan under the restaurant, which seemed to overturn the five-flavor bottle, and he could not tell what it was like. He only knew that resentment was like a tide.

"Say, what's the name of the bride Chu Shaoyang wants to marry!"

He is unwilling to believe, let alone believe, because this is impossible, this is simply impossible!

At this moment, he was really afraid to hear the familiar, deep name in his heart from the drinker's mouth.

"Name? I don't know this. Hey, do you know the name of Lord Chu's bride?"

The hotel scratched his scalp and asked the person next to him.

"I know I know, that girl's surname is Shen, and her single name is a condensed word." Someone rushed to answer.

Shen Ning!

There was a buzz in the ear of the thousand-faced son.

He shook his head and looked at the flower sedan incredulously, as if to see the person in the sedan through the thick sedan curtain.

After a while, he turned his attention to Tuobazheng's face riding on horseback and walking in front of the sedan chair, his eyes showing a confused look.

Although he was drunk, he could still tell that this young man riding a horse to meet his relatives was not Chu Shaoyang!

Does it mean that the bride in the flower sedan is not her?

"Nonsense! You scammers! This bridegroom is not Chu Shaoyang at all!" He shouted.

Both the drinkers and the shop little two laughed.

"Guest, if you look at you, you are not our South Vietnamese people. Even the rules of our South Vietnamese country are not known. Of course, this is not the groom himself, but the groom ’s uncle brother. He has no relatives or friends in the South Vietnamese country, so the person who welcomed him was the second prince, Pingxi County. "

It turns out so!

So, is the bride in the sedan chair her?

Yes, it must be her!

Thousand-faced son drank a belly of wine, but his heart was as bright as a mirror.

Except for her, there is no second woman in this world who can let Chu Shaoyang abandon the emperor's princess for her, and let Chu Shaoyang marry her as a princess despite the irony and jokes of all people, only her!

Seeing the Huajiao getting closer and closer, the bright red was dazzling like thick blood, and the thousand-faced young man suddenly jumped down and stopped the Huajiao.

He didn't even look at Tuobazheng who was walking towards him, his eyes fixed on the car curtain embroidered with auspicious patterns outside the sedan chair, but his eyes couldn't penetrate the thick barrier no matter how sharp his eyes What the bride in the flower sedan looks like.

"Shen Ning! You can't marry him!" He yelled suddenly, waved his hand, and pushed Tuoba Zheng away in front of him.

He strode to the front of the sedan chair and stretched his hand to pull the sedan curtain.

At this time, the stunned bearers, guards, and Yu Linjun recovered, and rushed up.

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