Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2174: Life is better than death

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"What happened?"

"Ah, Lord!"

"Master, are you injured? Have an assassin?"

The dark guards in the house were disturbed by the sound and rushed over. They saw at a glance the collapsed tree. Chu Shaoyang's hands and blood were dripping with blood on their hands. Their first reaction was an assassin.

"All back, this king is fine."

Chu Shaoyang's face was almost dripping with water, he waved his hand, and all the dark guards retreated silently.

His chest undulated violently. The vent just now did not vent the anger in his chest, but made him feel suffocated.

He suddenly thought of a place and a person, his eyes suddenly brightened.

Yes, only this person can really make him happy.

In the stone prison, Mo Chuan had already lived through the three days of suffering and death.

Every day and every moment, his heart was tortured.

He hoped that time would pass quickly, and that time would not slip away.

Because hurry up, on the fourth day, he can see her again.

But if it were really that day, he would see her as someone else's bride.

He really didn't know what a complicated and contradictory and painful mood it was. He only knew that every moment, his heart was being torn, making it difficult for him to breathe.

Finally, on the last day.

Although the sun is not visible in the stone prison, he can still calculate the hour accurately.

It is now the night of the last day.

In a few hours, the sky will be dawning.

At this moment, he suddenly heard familiar footsteps sounding in the corridor, and the coming person deliberately slowed down his footsteps, his voice heavy, otherwise he could not hear his footsteps so far.

Mo Chuan's pupil shrank sharply.

It is Chu Shaoyang!

How could he come here at this hour?

What happened to Ning'er?

His heart suddenly raised his throat.

Originally, he was not worried about Shen Ning's safety. Although Chu Shaoyang was cold, ruthless, and cruel, he could cherish what he cared about as an eyeball.

But since he saw the scar on her face three days ago, he could hardly believe his eyes.

Chu Shaoyang actually beat her!

She ... her face turned into that look!

He only glanced at it, he couldn't bear to look at it again, and he didn't dare to look at it again.

Because his tears were about to come out.

Can't cry, he must not shed tears in front of Chu Shaoyang, that will only make Chu Shaoyang laugh at him more and look down on him, and will only make Chu Shaoyang get more pleasure!

Chu Shaoyang brought her injured to him, wasn't it for this?

So he must not show weakness in front of Chu Shaoyang.

But he didn't dare to look at it, he couldn't bear to look at it, but he couldn't help but look at it!

He waited so long, and hoped for so long, just to see her. Now that Chu Shaoyang really brought her, how could he bear it?

Mo Chuan exhausted almost all his strength before putting his eyes on her face. Although her face became unrecognizable, she was still his condensed child! If it was not because she angered Chu Shaoyang, how could he call her like this?

Isn't she already married to him? How could she anger him?

Ah, she must be for herself!

Did she restore her memory?

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