Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2173: Demand can't be reconciled

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But I am not that kind of lecherous person!

She closed her eyes and tried to get rid of Mo Chuan's face in her mind, but the more so, his face became clearer.

His eyes were full of affection, as if talking to her.

She still remembered what he said to her before he left.

He vowed to say: I am willing to wait for you, ten years, twenty years, a lifetime, as long as you are willing to let me wait!

The oath is still in my ears, but she is already going to marry someone to be a bride.

It was she who did not want him to wait, because the result he waited for would eventually be empty.

She is not the girl he loves, and she cannot turn herself into the girl he loves.

Marrying Chu Shaoyang is the best ending.

With a soft sigh, she got up from the bath tub, put on the clothes prepared by her maidservants, and lay on the couch with a sad face.

No one came to disturb her, and the maidservants were told by Chu Shaoyang that no one would dare to talk to her. When she closed her eyes, no one left the room and kept guarding her.

Because the prince gave the order, if any accident happened to the princess before the marriage, they must be buried with them!

At this moment, Chu Shao *** didn't know the changes in Shen Ning.

After he left from her embroidered building, it seemed that he had cast off the heavy shackles and became extra brisk when walking.

But he didn't go very far, and his happy good mood was gone.

He pressed his hand against his chest, only to feel that it was empty, as if there was one important thing missing.

what is it then?

It was his feelings for her.

Once, what he pursued relentlessly, suddenly became insignificant. This huge gap made him unable to adapt and be even more unacceptable.

He knew that even if she was kneeling and begging in front of him now, he wouldn't be able to get him halfway.

But this is where he felt sad!

When he could not help, he felt painful and tortured, but when he sought it, he found that what he was struggling for was actually worthless, and when he was despised by him, he became confused. At a loss.

When he left, he said to her, one sentence to another sentence, one sentence to another sentence, one sentence to one sentence heart, he knew that his words would make her feel painful, but when he said these words, who can know his heart and her The same pain!

It's just that her pain can also be vented by crying, but his pain is unspeakable and unspeakable, and he can't even vent it.

He only knew that his heart was dead and he would never be resurrected.

All his enthusiasm and love were handed over to a girl, and the girl disappeared and took away all his enthusiasm and love.


Why did she suddenly seem like a different person! Why is she no longer her? why? !

Chu Shaoyang suddenly made a fist and struck at a large tree beside him. He punched like a wind, punching the trunk with punches.

The big tree that they embraced thickly was shaken by his fists, but he still felt not enough, he was full of resentment, hatred, blame, anger, and his fists were getting heavier and heavier, even The phalanx of the back of his hand was worn by rough bark, and he became blood-stained without even realizing it.

No pain, not enough pain!

At last, the big tree couldn't bear his punching power like a torrential rain, and it broke into two pieces. The huge crown fell on the ground and made a huge noise.

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