Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2148: Best looking dress

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The maid behind handed over fragrant tea.

"You ’ve been thinking too much for the concubine, the prince has been very busy these days. Tomorrow is the day when you and the prince became married. How many things are going to be busy here and abroad? At that time, he also ordered that no matter what happened, you ca n’t come to disturb your mother and rest, so that you can quietly recuperate in this garden. "

The maid who can be a maidservant in the royal palace is naturally a conscientious and conspicuous flow, and the maidservant's mouth comes very well. In a few words, Shen Ning turns to worry.

"Really? Lord, did he really say that?"

"Of course it is true. How dare you lie to the princess concubine." The maid didn't blink, and said the truth.

"It turns out that there is still me in my heart."

"Of course, there is a princess in your heart. You do n’t know, how much money he spent for tomorrow ’s wedding and how much money he spent. Lord also told him to make this wedding grand and grand. Everyone in the whole capital knows it! Lord, he has done so much, all for the sake of the lady. "The maid's mouth was as sweet as the smeared honey.

There was a faint blush on her face, and she took a drink from the tea cup and said with a smile: "You're right, he treated me ... it's really good, I shouldn't think much about it."

The maid said again: "Princess concubine, the prince also sent someone to send you the dress that you will wear when you get married tomorrow. Would you like to try it on? If something is inappropriate, you have time to modify it."

"Okay." She got up with a smile and walked into the room.

The princess's dress is naturally gorgeous and solemn, and her wedding dress is made of the ten best embroidered ladies in Beijing, which has been made overnight.

The maid took the dress out of the box and opened it, causing a burst of praise from the surrounding girls.

"So beautiful!"

"Slave slaves have never seen such beautiful clothes in this life!"

"Look at the pearls embroidered on this dress. They are big and round. How much silver is this?"

"The lord loves the princess lady, even if you spend more money on it!"

"Mrs. Wang, you are so blessed. Lord Yeah hurts you like this!"

The girls all showed envious expressions, and Shen Ning smiled with pride and satisfaction.

Yeah, she really thought too much. If he could spend so much money to make this dress for her, he must love her to the extreme.

He didn't come to see her, it must be too busy because he was going to prepare for the wedding.

She took off her coat under the service of her maidservants, and put on that luxurious and shiny new wedding dress.

Suddenly, the surroundings became silent, and the twittering maids seemed to be all dumb, silent.

Shen Ning frowned, and looked back.

She could not help but stare at herself in the mirror.

She just felt that the girl in the mirror was glamorous and incomparable, and the bright red wedding dress with gold wire and silver thread was bright and eye-catching. This is the best dress she has seen in her life.

It can be worn on her body, only to show her beautiful and charming, although the wedding dress is beautiful and dazzling, it can't take away her brilliance.

She had n’t looked in the mirror for a long time. She had looked at herself in the mirror three days ago, and it caused a great shock to her, making her never dare to look in the mirror again.

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