Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2147: What a miracle

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He could hardly believe that Chu Shaoyang did those things.

He has always laughed at those stupid people who are trapped in love, but unexpectedly, one day, Chu Shaoyang will become the object of his mocking. The person he should mock most is himself!

He has also become an absolute idiot!

Fortunately, the curse she put on him was finally lifted.

He is free!

That tomorrow's wedding ...

Chu Shaoyang suddenly got angry and waved his right palm against a rockery rock.

The big rockery was actually hit by a piece of his palm and fell into the lake with a splash, splashing a large splash of water.

The cold water splashed on his face. He lifted up his sleeves and wiped off the water droplets on his face. The original irritated heart slowly settled down.

The wedding must of course continue!

He turned around and strode away from the lake.

This caused the butler who hurried to the news to miss him again.

Chu Shaoyang took a big step and went straight to the back garden where Shen Ning lived.

A delicate three-story pavilion was built in the garden, surrounded by curved corridors, and the beautiful places were everywhere. You can see different scenery at any angle and room in the embroidered building.

In order to make her feel not lonely, he also sent a lot of money to buy a pair of red-billed white feather parrots hanging under the gallery.

Although this pair of parrots can't speak, their face value is first-class. No girl will dislike it when they see it.

Sure enough, Shen Ning at the moment was lying on the railing to tease the pair of white parrots.

As soon as Chu Shaoyang stepped into the back garden, he saw a girl lying on the railing in the distance, holding food in his hand to feed the parrot.

He had n’t seen her for three days, but all her actions, words and deeds were reported from the mouth of the people in the house to his ears.

In the past three days, she has been surprisingly obedient. The door does not come out, the second door does not step, and even the door of the back garden has not stepped out.

As for the wound on her face, after applying Gu Qingze's ointment, it has been healed.

Chu Shaoyang was not worried about her injuries, just as he believed in Gu Qingze's medical skills.

But standing in the yard, when he looked up to see her lying on the railing upstairs, he was still shocked.

I can't believe it, her face ... still as beautiful as before! It was exactly the same, as if his two heavy slaps had left no trace on her face.

This is simply a miracle!

He tweeted praise, and the eyes of appreciation fell on her face.

She is really beautiful, all the flowers in the garden are dimmed under the light of her face.

Her complexion was white, thin and tender, with a faint tinge of redness, thin and light, and the sun shone on, showing a jade-like transparency.

There are also curved and curled eyelashes, a pretty nose, and rosy and full lips, all of which are extremely familiar to him, and make him never tire of it.

In the past, every time he saw her, his heart would speed up involuntarily.

This time is no exception.

At the moment when she saw her, Chu Shaoyang's breath paused, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

When he saw her, he still thought she was beautiful, but the excitement in his blood was gone.

"The prince hasn't come to see me for several days. In the past, he has never come to see me for such a long time. Does he not like me?"

Shen Ning upstairs didn't find Chu Shaoyang, she threw away the food in her hands, even the beautiful white parrots no longer attracted her attention.

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