Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Because of her performance, he was so annoyed that he didn't want to stay in this room even for a moment.

"Master, you ... are you going? Where are you going? Don't you condense?"

She sensed that he got out of bed and opened her eyes in confusion, trying to reach out and grab his shirt, but she didn't dare.

This scene all fell in the eyes of Chu Shaoyang.

Like, really like it!

Now she is exactly the same as the one before she got married!

It ’s like a bag!

He was surprised by the sudden rise of anger in his heart. What's wrong with himself? Isn't she gentle and submissive like she always wanted? Why would he be angry and disgusted when he saw her now?

It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this!

Chu Shaoyang shook his head, trying to suppress his dissatisfaction and anger, trying to say in a gentle tone: "Ning'er, this King suddenly thought of it, there are still several important official tasks that have not been dealt with. Come to you again. "

"Your lord, you ..." She bit her lip, holding back her grievances, and nodded obediently, "I will wait for the lord to come back."

Her grievance and biting her lips made his hard heart soft again. He smiled, caressed her long hair, and gave her a soft hug.

The familiar sweet fragrance penetrated into his nose, which was a unique smell on her body.

Chu Shaoyang was amused by his suspicion. Of course she was her, how could she be another person?

"You wait for me, I will come back soon."

He lowered his head and stared at her lips. There was a fine tooth mark on the thin lips, which made him kiss with pity.

This was the first time he kissed her lips. He couldn't help but thump with excitement, almost jumping out of his mouth.

Don't refuse, don't refuse ...

The voice in his heart was loud.

Do n’t refuse me even if it ’s acting!

He has been rejected by her too many times, and he has lost confidence in himself.

She didn't refuse him, she closed her eyes shyly, and at the same time she was helpless, but she was shaking in his arms, not knowing whether she was excited or scared.

He hugged her slender and trembling body, and his heart beat faster, and his lips pressed lightly on her lips, feeling the tender touch, but did not take the next step.

Speaking of that, he didn't have much experience of kissing. Once he kissed Shen Biyun, and the feeling was that it was nothing more than that. He had longed for being able to kiss her lips.

This coveted moment finally came. He must taste it well, and he must not let her go so easily.

He tasted the softness and sweetness of her lips and was even more excited.

She was really fresh and delicious like a ripe fruit.

His talented dissatisfaction and disgust all flew, and he was ashamed that he would have such emotions.

He tried to open her teeth with the tip of her tongue. She was at a loss and was a little scared. She tapped her teeth lightly, completely without any experience.

But how could she have no experience?

He had seen her and Mo Chuan hug and kiss together. He hugged her delicate body, and she wrapped his arm around his neck. The two people were almost united, so how close they are!

Even if they have already done something more intimate, the hat on their head may have turned green!

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