Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2111: Strange feeling

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

"Do? What?" She blinked her eyes innocently.

Pretend! This girl can really pretend!

Okay, see when you can pretend!

Chu Shaoyang smiled again.

"Of course it's doing ... what the husband and wife should do." He looked at her with a smile, waiting for her to show his true colors.

If this girl dare to pretend to be incomprehensible, he will really dare to continue!

Fortunately, this time she finally stopped talking.

A panic and chaotic expression appeared on her face, her eyes flickering, struggling to escape from under him.

"No! No! Lord, no!" She blushed.

"No? Why not? Ning'er, have you forgotten that we have been married to a married couple? It is only natural to do what the husband and wife should do, you are my wife, I am your husband, wife is the place Husband is heaven, do you really want to refuse to be husband? "

Chu Shaoyang said half-truly, he controlled her two arms easily with a big palm, held her slender wrist, and raised it over the top of her head, making her struggling.

The other hand he vacated began to slowly untie her belt.

Since she is going to act, he will accompany her to play a full set, anyway, it is not him who suffers!

Chu Shaoyang thought bitterly, he glanced over her body with cheerful eyes and landed on her pretty chest.

She had better not refuse him, otherwise he was afraid that he really could not control his anger, and as for the consequences of angering him, this girl would have to bear it by herself!


She exclaimed again, as if remembering something, she quietly withdrew the hand that refused to let her untie her belt. Instead of struggling, she closed her eyes shyly.

She whispered her lips twice, and she said shyly and timidly: "My lord, just now I was bad, I should not be rebellious against your lord. Just husband and wife, nature ... nature ... as you wish ... "

Her last words were as low as gnats, but Chu Shaoyang still heard clearly.

Somehow, her submissiveness not only made him feel ecstatic, but also flooded with a slight disappointment.

Isn't this what he has been expecting? He dreamed that one day she would snuggle under him like a kitten and let him do whatever he wanted.

But when this day really came, he would be lacking in interest. The enthusiasm that had been forced to disappear had disappeared without a trace.

He didn't continue to move, but stared closely at her face, looking all the way from her eyebrows and eyes to see her red and full lips.

That's right, this is her!

He did not admit the wrong person!

But why did he suddenly have a feeling that he was holding the wrong person! The person holding it is not her at all!

Weird, so weird!

Could it be that she pretended to be too much, and even he followed into the play?

He didn't move for a long time, but instead made her uneasy.

She waited with breath, looking forward, but he did not continue, she finally could not help but quietly raised her eyelashes, and as soon as she opened her eyes, she met his eyes.

His eyes were calm and brilliant, and there was no excitement or enthusiasm that just burned.

She whispered and closed her eyes shyly.

Chu Shaoyang turned over and got out of bed, suddenly losing interest in the game.

She wanted to continue acting, but he didn't want to play with her anymore.

I have to admit that she played very well this time, very realistic and very successful.

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