Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2106: Waiting for verdict

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Mo Chuan, who was locked in a stone prison, never closed his eyes, and his ear always echoed what Chu Shaoyang said.

Ning'er, why did she suffer such torture, and why?

Is it because she is too clever, so God wants to torture her like this? Thinking of being so clever and clever, after three or five years, she would become an idiot who is not even as good as the intelligence of a three-year-old child, and Mo Chuan felt that her heart was clumped together.

He didn't care how she became. Even if she really became an idiot, he would still love her and love her and pity her as always.

But what about her? Can she tolerate what she looks like?

If she knew she would become a three-year-old child in the future, she could not accept it at all!

Chu Shaoyang, you must not tell her, you must not be so cruel!

Mo Chuan has never expected Chu Shaoyang to appear in front of him. He must remind the other party not to tell Ning'er his decision.

But Chu Shaoyang has never appeared since that day.

There was a lifeless death in the stone tunnel.

Except for someone coming in at a fixed time every day to give him water and food, he has never seen anyone else in the past three days.

Strange, why didn't Chu Shaoyang come suddenly? Even the acupuncture time every six hours no longer appears. Isn't he afraid that he will come out of his sleep?

Mo Chuan was full of doubts.

Chu Shaoyang's acupuncture points have been unraveled, his limbs have now returned to softness and elasticity, and the true force in his body has begun to run along the meridians.

But his hands and feet were locked by a huge iron chain, so that he was still firmly tied to the stone column, unable to move.

What Mo Chuan did not know is that Chu Shao ** at this time had no intention to control his life and death, nor did he care.

Chu Shaoyang was standing in front of Shen Ning's bed, staring at her on the bed.

Three days had passed, this was the time when Gu Qingze predicted that she should wake up, but one minute and one second later, she never opened her eyes.

He finally lost patience and turned around, grabbing Gu Qingze's shirt.

"Don't you say that she will wake up in three days? Why doesn't she wake up? What medicine did you prescribe?"

"Huh, the majestic Highness of King Chu is so rude! You are so fierce, are you afraid to scare her?"

Gu Qingze smiled flawlessly, pulled out Chu Shaoyang's hand, sorted his shirt, and suddenly pointed his finger at the bed.

"Well, three days is three days. Isn't she awake?"

"You better not lie to me!"

Chu Shaoyang snorted coldly, turned back suddenly, and then shocked, widening his eyes in disbelief.

Just when she was still motionless in bed, her eyes had been opened and her eyes were in a trance, like she had just woken up from a distant dream.

At this moment, Chu Shaoyang suddenly had a familiar feeling.

I remember the same scene when he watched her wake up last time beside her bed.

It was just that she woke up at that time and lost all previous memories. She did not remember who he was.

Unlike last time, when she wakes up this time, she will get the memory she lost, and she will recognize him soon!

Chu Shaoyang's face was tight and tight, and there was no smile on his face. It looked like a prisoner waiting for a verdict.


It's ridiculous!

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