Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2105: Love her like this

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A voice said loudly: Fool! You have spent so much effort, don't you want to get her? Now she is about to get her, but you are so stupid to give her hand to the enemy?

Another voice said: In order to get her, he did not hesitate to turn her into an idiot, this is what you want? This is how you love her? Chu Shaoyang, you are too mean and shameless!

First, there is a louder voice: people do nothing for themselves, and they are destroyed!

The latter voice shouted: Chu Shaoyang, don't let yourself regret it!


Will I really regret it?

Do not! I do not regret!

If you don't use that mean and shameless method, wouldn't Chu Shaoyang get her Shen Ning's heart!

An arrogant air sprang up.

Chu Shaoyang shouted: "Come here! Follow this recipe to decocted the medicine, immediately boil it and send it over, immediately, immediately!"

Soon, the medicine was fried and delivered.

Chu Shaoyang was holding the medicine bowl and sitting on the head of the bed. He stared at the steaming bowl of medicine and took a deep breath. He lifted her up and leaned against his chest.

Not only did he want her to restore her memory, he also had to give her the bowl of medicine.

The door was suddenly pushed open, and Gu Qingze appeared at the door.

He sniffed the smell of the medicine in the air, and then saw Chu Shaoyang scooping a spoonful of medicine, and was about to feed her lips. His expression was obviously startled, as if he could not believe it.

"You ... do you really want to give her medicine? After taking this medicine, it will dissolve the medicine in her body, and she will slowly restore her memory."

Chu Shaoyang said coldly: "You have said this once, and this king has not forgotten."

"Then you have to do this? What is your purpose?" Gu Qingze stared at him.


Chu Shaoyang turned his head and heard Gu Qingze: "My purpose is just to make her feel better."

"It's that simple?" Gu Qingze frowned, puzzled.

Chu Shaoyang in his impression is not such a person. He is the kind of person who does nothing to achieve his purpose, so he will deliberately prescribe this prescription to test him.

"It's that simple."

Chu Shaoyang was too lazy to talk to him any more, he sent the medicine spoon to his lips to try the temperature, and then frowned.

"It's bitter," he said, raising his voice abruptly: "Come here, send a honey sweetener, the sweeter the better!"

Someone outside the door promised to go on.

Gu Qingze said: "She can't taste sweet or bitter now."

"She can't taste it, but I can."

Chu Shaoyang slowly fed the medicine, and then scooped another spoonful. This was the second time he fed her the medicine. His movements were cautious and full of attention. He ignored everything around him, leaving her alone. .

Gu Qingze looked at him with a complex look, and said nothing.

In front of him, Chu Shaoyang seemed to have changed, becoming unpredictable.

Soon, a bowl of medicine came to an end, and honey paste was also delivered.

Chu Shaoyang fed her again two spoonfuls of honey syrup, and then gently helped her to lie down again and covered her quilt.

"After three days, if she can't wake up, don't blame the king for being unkind to you."

Turning around, he said coldly to Gu Qingze.

Gu Qingze said lightly: "As long as you don't regret it, she will wake up after three days."

"Really? Then let's wait and see." Chu Shaoyang raised his lips and smiled with confidence in his eyes.

Three days passed quickly.

These three days are suffering for everyone.

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