Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2093: Heart disease is difficult to treat

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Chu Shaoyang shrieked, grabbing her arm hard, and she didn't slide to the ground, but her eyes were closed, and she grabbed her chest with one hand weakly.

"Ninger! Ninger!"

Chu Shaoyang yelled, placing her finger on her nose, her breathing was short but subtle.

Fortunately, she just fainted, no big deal.

Chu Shaoyang relaxed, he picked her up and strode toward the hole.

"Come here!"

A shadow flashed in the dark.

"Send the concubine to the palace, take good care of it, if she loses a hair, Ben Wangwei you are asking!"

After he sent someone to send Shen Ning away, he returned to the cave with a sneer.

Chu Mochuan, Chu Mochuan, you came to South Vietnam deliberately, what is the purpose, when he is not clear?

But he just wanted to tell him that what he wanted was never available!

He knew Mo Chuan would come back soon, so he covered his head with a quilt and waited for the rabbit.

Sure enough, he succeeded in a blow, and controlled Mochuan, who was unprepared.

Shen Ning did not know what happened after she fainted. She only knew that her heart was very painful, and the pain was almost cracked, as if two people were fighting inside, and her heart was the battlefield.

Faintly, she faintly heard a sound ringing above her head.

"How is she? Why haven't she awakened yet? It's all day and night!" The voice said anxiously.

No one answered him.

The voice sounded again, full of irony: "Oh, don't you claim to be the first magician, even a small wind chill can't look at it, I think it's a wave of fame!"

Still no one spoke.

"Gu's surnamed Gu, don't try to delay the time by tricks, you can't cure her, you know what I'm going to do!" The voice threatened fiercely.

Finally, she heard another person speak, her voice was not loud, cold and plain.

"Wind cold is easy to cure, heart disease is difficult to cure, how do you want me to treat?"

What is Gu's name? What first doctor?

Heart disease?

Is it possible that I have a heart disease? No wonder such a pain in the position of the heart!

Shen Ningmo thought vaguely. After a burst of dizziness, she fell into a coma again.

"What happened to her! She just opened her eyes just now, what did you do to her? Why did she faint again!"

Chu Shaoyang turned around violently, staring angrily at the linen boy sitting in front of the bed.

The linen boy was holding a golden needle in his hand. The golden needle was stuck in one of her acupuncture points. It was he who took the needle that made her fall into a coma.

Hearing Chu Shaoyang's question, he let go of his hand and slowly raised his head to look at Chu Shaoyang.

"I just let her continue to fall asleep, do not want her to hear my conversation with you." He said lightly.

His face was pale, as if he hadn't been in the sun for a long time. The sunlight from the window shone in. He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked out of the window.

"Today's sunshine is very good. I haven't seen such a good sunshine in a long time." He said softly.

Chu Shaoyang sneered: "As long as you can cure her disease, you can quickly sunbathe every day, as long as you want to sunbathe."


The young man in linen looked back: "What's the cure? Is it healthy to leave her in good health? It's easy, and within three days, she will get out of bed and be as healthy as before ..."

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