Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2092: Can't get rid of

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Suddenly, his fingers squeezed her jaw, and she could n’t help but inhale. She could n’t speak for a while, and she could only open her eyes wide, and looked at Chu Shaoyang ’s pair. big eyes.

"I gave you my whole heart, but you took my true heart to feed the dog! You, a woman with half-heartedness, I just betrayed you once, but you did it again and again. Three betray me! What do you think of me as Shaoyang? I'm not your dog! I won't beg your tail and beg for you because of one of your eyes, I won't call it to you! If you are ordinary I have a little respect for me, so I will not treat me like this! "

Chu Shaoyang hissed and his eyes were red.

Go to his mother's grace, go to his mother's demeanor, he now ignores everything, because what she has done has driven him crazy!

He did so much for her, this time he left intentionally, just to give himself a chance to see if she would betray herself.

But he failed.

He was angry, desperate and depressed now, and ten thousand emotions lingered in his heart.

Suddenly he wanted to kneel down and plead with her, begging her to give her a little affection: Suddenly he gritted his teeth and wanted to kill her and the man!

What did he do wrong in his life, why did God send such a woman to torture him!

Did he owe her debts in his last life?

Suddenly, tears shed in Chu Shaoyang's eyes, and he didn't want to cry, but the teardrops rushed out, dripping dripping from his eyes.

It's so **** good!

He scolded himself loudly in the bottom of his heart. Originally he wanted to kill her directly, but he found that he couldn't give up at all!

Not to mention killing her, he can't even do what he wants to give her a heavier hand!

"You ... stop talking!"

Shen Ning's heart suddenly seemed to be caught by a big hand, unspeakable uncomfortable.

Seeing Chu Shaoyang crying, she actually had a feeling of crying, knowing that he lied and deceived herself, but she couldn't even hate him!

She had many words to question him, why he deceived herself, but at this moment she could not even say a word.

"What about your heart? What about your heart? Don't tell me, you are a woman with no heart! Did you give it to other men? If so, then I will kill him!"

Chu Shaoyang's eyes were red and he shouted wildly.

There was a flurry of Venus in Shen Ning's eyes. She grabbed the chest by her chest and inhaled effortlessly, but her chest seemed to be pressed against a heavy rock, which made her breathless.

"Chu Shaoyang, you let me go ... I, my heart hurts ..." Her face became pale, and a large drop of cold sweat came from her forehead.

But Chu Shaoyang, who fell into a frenzy, did not find her strange.

He looked at her dimly with tears, stroked her cheek, touched her eyebrows, eyes, nose, fingers sliding on her lips, stroked her delicate lips, and muttered in his mouth: "This is mine , Mine, it's all mine ... every minute and every inch of you is mine ... "

He closed his eyes, kissed her face in pain and confusion, and moved down a little from her eyebrows.

Her lips were trembling, pale and bloodless, and her arms drooped softly.

"Ning'er, Ning'er! What's wrong with you? Don't scare me ..."

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