Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2086: Who will save her

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Are all the master guards who sent someone to invite them back to be dead?

Why no one came to rescue her!

Who will save her!

Don't let her lose her body to a stink boy who has no history and no identity! Otherwise, her life will be destroyed, destroyed!

Mo Chuan was also shocked by the scene in the room.

He just wanted to use the dark guard to lead everyone away, but he never thought that the development of the thing would be like this. He also didn't expect that the dark guard would be so bold. Not only did the maids not stop, but they all retreated.

Yes, it must be the princess's misconduct. I usually don't know how much I have done this kind of thing, so all the maids will be surprised.

Huh, these 17 princesses are not only vicious, but also watery!

He was very disdainful in his heart, and originally wanted to go in to prevent the next behavior of the dark guard, and this time he dispelled his thoughts.

Do what you should do!

Mo Chuan jumped in from the window, put what had been prepared in the place where he should put it, and then pushed out the window.

This is a special pack of powder, which is placed in the green salt that the seventeen princesses need to bathe every day. It is colorless and tasteless, and it can't be discerned.

As for the role of this pack of powder, it will naturally be clear in the future.

He didn't take a glance at the two people who were entangled, and he acted swiftly without making a sound, and even the Seventeen Princess and the Dark Guard were unaware.

Out of the Seventeen Princess Palace, Mo Chuan did not stay in the city, and hurried back to the cave where she was living as quickly as possible.

Although he made various arrangements when he left, he was still worried about what would happen to her.

When he came to the cave, he found that the traps and organs he had arranged were so good, and there was no trace of anyone touching them. He couldn't help being relieved, and the stone hanging in his throat fell.

At this time she must have fallen asleep, he didn't want to wake her up, so she eased her footsteps, bypassed the trap at the entrance of the cave, and flashed into the cave hidden behind the thorns.

He has done the things she confessed, and soon, the ruthless Seventeen Princess will be retaliated.

As for what would happen to the Dark Guard and the Seventeen Princess after he left, he did not care about it at all, nor did he feel guilty.

All this is to blame the princess!

If she was unwilling, she could push away the dark guard and shout people. The house was full of her maids, and the princess palace was all her men. As long as she ordered, the dark guard would be chopped into meat sauce.

But she did not, indicating that she was willing.

Mo Chuan did not intend to tell her the details of the incident, because the scene was really reminiscent of blushing and heartbeat. He and she had become close to each other, and it was still far from that intimacy. Come.

He walked along the winding mountain path, turned a corner, and he saw her.

The fire where he deliberately added firewood before he left was still not extinguished. The cave was warm as spring, and the orange fire light illuminated this corner of the cave.

She lay on the soft mattress he arranged for her, wrapped in a thick quilt, the whole person shrunk into a cotton ball, and even the head was retracted into the quilt, sleeping soundly.

This stupid girl, she was even covered in the quilt, and she was not afraid of suffocating herself.

Mo Chuan approached with a smile, squatting beside her, holding the edge of the quilt and pulling it down gently, trying to show her face.

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