Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2085: All deaf and blind

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Not only did the Dark Guard not let go, but the other hand also touched it, and raised his hand against the Seventeen Princess.

The seventeenth princess was ashamed and dying, staring at the dark guard fiercely.

She wanted to push away the dark guard forcefully, but somehow she was soft, like no bones, leaning in the dark guard's arms, letting the other do whatever she wanted.

Knowing that all the maids are watching this scene, but she feels intoxicated by each other's touching, the palms of the men are very big and hot, because of martial arts, the fingers are covered with thick cocoons The rough fingers touched her delicate skin, giving her a magical stimulus that made her not wanting to push him away at all.

She opened her mouth and wanted to scold, but her voice was a gasp.


The sound terrified her, and the maids around were stunned.

What does this mean, Highness Princess? Are you going to drag the man out and behead? But it sounds different!

The Dark Guard thought, both left and right are dead, it is better to be a romantic ghost before dying.

He simply put his mouth together and blocked the princess of Seventeen.

The two held tight in the tub and kissed sweetly.

The jaws of all the maids should fall off.

what the **** is it!

Where is this man from Deng Tuzi, is he the favorite of Princess Seventeen? Otherwise, why didn't Her Royal Highness push him away?

It took a while for the maids to react. It was really impossible for me to look at this scene. I was bashful and blushing, and my eyes didn't know which way to look.

Her Royal Highness is intimate with men, and these maids are all in their eyes. I am afraid they are not going to cause death!

They all shuddered at the thought of Her Royal Highness of the Princess.

After that, if I continue to look at it like this, I am afraid that I would like to criticize the Nine Clan even after I die.

The maids lowered their heads and hurried out to the door. Soon there were two princesses and the dark guard in the room.

Seventeen princess's stomach was about to burst, and she was expecting the maids to come to her rescue. How do you know that these fools didn't see a man in their bathtub, more like they didn't? The man was frivolously frivolous himself, but all of them retreated!

Are they all blind, are they deaf?

The seventeenth princess hated to vomit blood, especially because the man put his tongue into her mouth, which made her almost sick.

She stared hard at the dark guard. If her eyes could kill, the dark guard would have been killed a thousand times by her.

The Dark Guard did not expect that the result of the matter would become like this. The housemaid in the house went so far that she could not see anymore. What's going on?

Didn't they withdraw their orders after receiving the advice of Her Royal Highness?

Why did Her Royal Highness do this?

Yes, it must be your performance that made Her Royal Highness very satisfied. Her Royal Highness is to make yourself persistent and continue to work hard.

He turned his heart across and continued to act rashly, because the big deal was a death, and since he was going to die, he would simply spare.

The seventeenth princess wanted to cry without tears, and she never dreamed that she would be in her princess house one day and was forced by a wild man who did not know where to come from.

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