Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2063: Who will save her

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He fed her carefully and drank the water, and she began to chill again, so he had to take off his clothes again and get into the quilt to hug her.

This time, he felt her skin was no longer as hot as it was last night.

He touched her pulse, and found that the pulse of the pulse also became stronger, and her breathing was no longer so rapid.

This reassured him a little.

"Ning'er, Ning'er."

He touched her forehead with his lips, wiped her temperature, and kept praying to God, as long as she could get better, whatever he wanted! Even his life will do!

Shen Ning couldn't remember how she fainted. When she closed her eyes, she felt like she had fallen into an abyss. The cold biting made her tremble.

She curled up into a ball at the bottom of the valley and wanted to yell loudly, but her throat seemed to be covered with a large ball of cotton, so that she could not utter a word.

Save me, who will save me!

She was shaking all over, struggling hard in the cold, but her limbs seemed to be crushed by something that made her unable to move.

I am dying, is this dying?

But someone is waiting for me, and someone is waiting for me!

who's that person?

She frowned, thinking hard, but her mind was so messed up that she couldn't remember anything, and could only struggle ups and downs in the cold valley.

The ice water slowly rose into her mouth and nose, almost suffocating her.

She opened her mouth and wanted to breathe hard. A scorching air flow blew down her mouth into her chest, and she breathed greedily like a dying fish.

As if struggling for life, she finally opened her eyes.

In front of her eyes was Xiao He ’s enlarged face, his long and dense eyelashes drooping, and her face was close to her face, her lips pressed against her lips, and she was breathing from him There was air in her mouth.

Shen Ning froze, unable to tell whether it was a dream or reality.

She seemed to come out of the dream, and she seemed to walk into a new dream.

Before she fainted, she remembered how he held her so tightly, entangled with her lips and tongue, and what happened later, she could not remember anything.

What happened in the middle?

Why didn't he let her go?

Are you still dreaming?

She blinked her eyes a bit more consciously, and then she knew that this was not a dream but a reality.

She felt his hot lips cling to her lips, and felt that she was held tightly in his arms, the two people's skin was touching, and their limbs were intertwined. This discovery made her suddenly sweat cold, a huge 'S fear rose from the bottom of her heart.

"Let me go, you let me go!" She struggled with all her strength, but her lips were pressed by him and her voice became ambiguous.

Although she exhausted all her strength, her hands and feet were soft, and no matter how hard it was.

Mo Chuan raised his head confusedly. He had kept her for at least twelve hours without closing her eyes. In the end, she was exhausted and unable to support her. She didn't even know when she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

In his sleep, he felt that she was having difficulty breathing, and then mouth to mouth breathed for her, and his consciousness was not very clear.

"Ning'er, you finally woke up!"

He opened his eyes and saw that she was opening a pair of big eyes in her arms, and looked at him in an instant, suddenly screaming in surprise and joy.

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