Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Rao is like this. He has been circling in the wilderness until dawn, before throwing away all the men in black.

Mo Chuan still dared not take it lightly, he found a cave in a hidden place, sorted it out a little, placed Shen Ning in the cave, untied the quilt, and found that she was still asleep, with a few strands of broken hair on her cheeks, breathing Suddenly, his face flushed abnormally again.

He stretched his hand on her forehead, only to feel hot, and she again started a high fever, whispering in her mouth.

Mo Chuan was anxious and worried. The most frightening thing about wind and cold like her was repeated illness. Once the illness is repeated, it will become more serious and may be life-threatening.

He now knows that it must have been too forgetful when he was intimate with her just now, forgetting that she is a patient who has not been cured by the wind, and he is still unconsciously unbuttoning her clothes, no wonder she will be cold again, all because of He didn't control himself!

Regret is too late at this time, and his immediate priority now is to quickly send her to the doctor to see the doctor and bring down her fever.

But the black people who chased her are everywhere, and Kyoto can't go back anyway. There is no place to stay in this neighborhood except for the village.

Mo Chuan has always been decisive, and he has never failed him when encountering problems, but when he saw her burning dizzy, it was in vain.

The dark and damp cold in the cave has no harm to her disease. This is by no means a long stay.

But besides here, where else can he take her?

Back to Xichu?

Due to her current physical condition, she absolutely can't stand the long journey, fearing that she won't be able to take half her life.

How to do?

Mo Chuan felt helpless for the first time.

He didn't dare to make a fire, fearing that the fire would attract a black killer, but the mountain breeze burst into the cave, making the cave more cold and wet.

Although she was wrapped in a thick quilt, she was still trembling and her teeth were tapping lightly.

"Cold, so cold ..." she muttered vaguely.

Mo Chuan was pitiful and distressed, and he gritted his teeth, and now there is only one way to make her no longer feel cold.

He quickly took off his clothes, leaving nothing behind, then got into the quilt and reached out to take off her clothes.

She was groggy and sick, irresistible, and kept drilling into his arms.

His chest was wide and warm, like a heat source, making her want to get close.

The two people's undressed bodies clung together, wrapped in quilts.

Mo Chuan tried hard to get rid of the cranky thoughts in his head, took a breath, and flowed a breath of information inside his limbs, and his whole body became warm.

He hugged her tightly in his arms, entangled his limbs, his lips pressed against her smooth forehead, and muttered: "Ning'er, Ning'er, please get well soon."

She was shrunk in his arms, and she was petite than her strong body.

Finally, she no longer shivered in his arms, and the originally irregular breathing slowly became smooth.

Mo Chuan was relieved, but it didn't take long for her body temperature to rise again when it was dawning.

Her lips were burning dry and her skin burst, and she whispered: "Water, I want to drink water ..."

Mo Chuan got out of the quilt, put on his clothes, and ran quickly to fetch water.

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