Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2050: Hey used to

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Mo Chuan's body was shocked, and he could hardly believe his ears.

what does she say?

Thank you

Do not! What she wanted was not her gratitude, everything he did was willing.

His lips moved, and he squeezed tightly. He still didn't look back. His long and tall figure stood like a pine tree in front of the window.

Shen Ning is now fully awake.

She remembered what she had before she fainted. She was held in his arms by him. He said that he would take herself to see a doctor, and then ... she fell asleep in a daze.

What happened later, she had almost no impression, but she remembered that there was a heat source around her, which was injected into her body endlessly, so that she who was immersed in ice water no longer shivered from freezing, and some people gave Feed your own food and medicine ...

Listening to the aunt said that he was taking care of himself incessantly, and he must be the one who feeds himself with food and medicine!

She stared at Mo Chuan's back, and looked at him for the first time, only to find that he was actually a good-looking man, and even the back gave people a pleasing feeling.

The curve from his shoulders to his back gives a beauty of strength. The material is steep and loose, and his legs are long and strong.

She had to admit that his figure was more perfect than Chu Shaoyang and full of men's charm.

Yeah, what's wrong with you, did you burn your brain? How can you be fascinated by the back of a man?

Shen Ning was horrified, and she dropped her head while covering her hot cheeks.

Fortunately, the other party would not read the mind technique and could not see the thoughts in her heart, otherwise she would really have no face to see people.

Doesn't she hate him? But he had strange thoughts on his back!

Mo Chuan waited for a long time, and never heard her speak again, thinking she would not sleep again?

He looked back and saw that she was leaning on the head of the bed, lowering her head and shrinking her shoulders, only to feel strange.

What's wrong with her? He had never seen her like this. She was always proud and domineering in front of herself, which was not like her.

"Take medicine."


She lowered her head and responded with an unexpected obedience, which made him even more strange.

But he didn't think much. He walked to the front of the bed to get the medicine bowl, tasted the heat, and then took a bite in his mouth and kissed her lips naturally.

This day and night, he used this method to help her feed the medicine, and his habit became natural. At this time, he forgot that she had woken up, or was skillfully preparing to give her medicine by mouth.

She suddenly raised her head, his lips just pressed against her lips, he habitually fed her medicine, but found her lips closed tightly, her lips trembling slightly.

He unconsciously pressed the tip of his tongue against her teeth, fed a mouthful of medicine, and then saw her stunned eyes, staring at him in shock, he realized that she had been awake, no Need to feed the medicine mouth to mouth again.

Mo Chuan's face suddenly turned red, like being caught as a thief on the spot.

He stepped back quickly, lowering his head and daring not to look at her face, waiting for her to scold her loudly.

Where did I know that after waiting for a while, I only heard her speak lightly.

"Give me the medicine bowl, I drink it myself." The voice was calm and no anger could be heard.

Mo Chuan couldn't help raising her face to see her, only to see that she hung her long eyelashes, covering the dark eyes.

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