Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2049: It turned out to be him!

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In this world, only Chu Shaoyang would treat her so well.

Shen Ning's heart settled down, she thought, very good, this is really good, she should have forgotten the person who shouldn't think, she should only think of Chu Shaoyang in her heart.

"Shaoyang, Shaoyang ..."

She rolled around on the pillow and opened her mouth, only to feel that her throat was thirsty, and she made a vague voice.

Mo Chuan was originally looking down at her with expectant and tender eyes, but she never dreamed that she actually called the word "Shaoyang".

His face instantly became unsightly, his eyes cold, and his hands clenched fists unconsciously.

The peasant woman didn't notice his change, and walked to the bed, leaned towards Shen Ning, smiling on her face.

"Little girl, did you wake up? Thank God, you finally woke up."

Shen Ning rolled over, and the finger on the bed moved a little, slowly opening her eyes.

Her eyes fell on the peasant woman, her eyes dim for a moment, and soon she recovered her wits, and gave the peasant woman a gentle smile.

"Auntie, am I sick?"

"Yeah, little girl, you don't know, you're so sick! When your husband is holding you, you are not only comatose and unconscious, but also look ugly like a dead person, so white that there is no blood, fortunately I've invited a doctor for you, and I'll take care of you all day and night ... "

The peasant woman couldn't hold back as soon as she opened her mouth, completely forgetting Mo Chuan's instructions, and kept talking.

"Cough cough cough!" Mo Chuan coughed hard.

The peasant woman realized this and realized that she was speechless and quickly raised her hand to cover her mouth and smiled embarrassedly at Mochuan.

"Oh, I still boil soup in this kitchen, I will go and see, little lady, how good you are to treat you, I feel envious, twitch." She sighed and exited the door. He also helped the two carefully.

Shen Ning frowned, her consciousness was not fully awake yet, and she seemed to understand what the peasant woman said.

What husband? I haven't gotten married yet, where's the husband?

Her eyes wandered unconsciously in the room, falling on a tall, slender figure in the corner.

Although he didn't look back, she still knew who he was at a glance.

It turned out to be him!

She bit her lip, of course it was only him, who always haunted herself in a spirit.

What made her angry was that he was so cheeky that he was his husband!

She has seen it. This is a simple farmhouse. The bedding and bed are rough. Obviously he was sick after he brought him here to stay, but he was obviously a guard. Why did he tell the master that he Be your own husband!

Mo Chuanming knew that she woke up and still did not look back at her. His heart was hurt by the two calls she had just made, and he hadn't eased until this time.

He took care of her day and night without sleep, but in her heart, the first person to wake up would be Chu Shaoyang!

When did you and Chu Shaoyang change positions in her heart?

This taste is really the torment of his mother!

Mo Chuan knew that if he had the guts, he should go away, but he couldn't let go of her, and he couldn't bear to leave her.

He inhaled and exhaled deeply, trying to calm the suffocation in his chest.

"Thank you." Her soft voice suddenly came from behind.

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