Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

"All I want to protect is you, the life and death of the others, and I have nothing to do with me." Mo Chuan said lightly, and looked at her again, only to see that she was wearing her black coat under the moonlight, and her face was extremely white and eyes It was very dark, swaying in the wind like a camellia.

"are you cold?"

He reached out to hold her hand, but she gave him a cold look, took a step back, a look of preparedness and alienation.

She didn't like the indifference in his tone.

"Don't touch me, you have to remember your identity, you are just my guard, ordered to protect my safety." She said in a tone that refused to be thousands of miles away.

Mo Chuan's breath suffocated, his anger surged, and stared at her hard.


It turned out that she was a guard in her eyes!

No wonder she never refused to look at him with a positive eye because she looked down upon him at all.

He pulled his feet away and left her alone in this barren mountain and wilderness. In a blink of an eye, he disappeared.

Moonlight was like water, shone on Shen Ning's hair, shoulders, her pretty body image of the elves in the mountains, saw Mo Chuan disappeared in front of her eyes, only the sound of cold wind blowing through the treetops around, cold, desolate.

The wolf howl came from a distance.

If the woman next to her was changed, she might have screamed, but she clenched her lips and said nothing, her eyes were stubborn, and there was no fear in her face.

Mo Chuan did not go far. He deliberately left her and wanted to scare her, waiting for her to call out.

He knew he was disappointed.

She saw that he was gone. Not only was she not afraid, but she felt relieved. She looked around her and walked along the mountain road.

Mo Chuan was hidden in the dark and silently followed her, keeping a certain distance from her.

With his kung fu, if she didn't want her to discover, she would definitely not find his whereabouts.

Sure enough, she never looked back, but touched east, looked west, as if looking for something.

Strange, what is she looking for?

Mo Chuan became curious, and followed her along the way, walking a winding mountain road, only to see her suddenly speed up her footsteps, and he followed closely.

Turning around a corner, a mountain of spring suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, flowing quietly in the moonlight, like a galaxy in the sky falling into the world.

He saw a cry of joy from her, and quickly walked along the mountain spring. A short time later, a large silver lake came into his eyes.

The mountain is quiet and quiet, the lake water is satin, the moon is reflected in the lake, and the scenery is as beautiful as a picture.

Shen Ning was also taken aback by the beauty in front of her.

Her ability to survive in the wild is not weak. She found the water source following the traces of moss on the stone. She originally wanted to wash her hands and face, but when she saw this charming lake, she couldn't help but be moved.

It's been a long time since I was able to swim in such a clear water, and this piece of water light attracted her eyes like magic.

Anyway, the guy named Xiaohei was taken away by himself. With his arrogant temper, he was afraid that he would never appear in front of him again.

There was no one in the mountains, she was not afraid of being seen by others, so she took off her coat and shoes generously and walked barefoot towards the lake.

Mo Chuan was stunned to see her snowy skin.

It took him a while to realize what she wanted to do, and when she wanted to stop it, it was too late.

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