Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2029: Lost target

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Mo Chuan heard the sound of footsteps behind him, did not look back, his right hand raised, only heard the sound of "哧哧" several times when the weapon was broken, there were several muffled sounds behind him, and then someone rolled down the roof. Screams.

"Be careful, this guy puts the hidden weapon. Everyone puts the hidden weapon to shoot him!"

The remaining black men paused and took out the hidden weapon, and shot towards Mo Chuan and Shen Ning, who was tightly hugged in his arms.


For a time, the hidden weapon was like rain, and the hidden weapons such as the migratory locust stone, tribulus terrestris, quiver arrow, and silver shuttle cut through the night sky with a harsh voice.

Mo Chuan didn't dare to turn his head, he could discern the shape, he dodge and dodge, and his body was extremely flexible, as if he had eyes behind him, avoiding most hidden weapons.

There was only applause behind him.

"Good Jun Kungfu!"

"Hey, the kid in front, as long as you let go of the person you hug, we will spare you!"

"Boy, although your kung fu is good, but you can't beat two hands with two fists, let's surrender obediently!"

"Our goal is just that little girl, nothing to do with you, why do you bother to lose your life for that little girl!"

The people in black chased and snarled.

Mo Chuan was ruined, and a left arm was wrapped tightly around Shen Ning's waist, taking her to eaves and walking on the wall in the night.

He urged the internal force to transport the light power to the extreme. The wind sounded constantly in Shen Ning's ears, and the cold wind threw against the door, making her unable to open her eyes.

She had to close her eyes and let him take her to fly in the dark night. She didn't know where he would take her to, nor did she know the origin of the group of fierce and cruel men in black, why did they want Her life.

Mo Chuan waved his right hand continuously, and a large silver needle shot backward like a rain of flowers. The silver needle was thin and small. It was even more unpredictable in the dark. He only heard a scream behind him, and people in black were busy avoiding hidden weapons The pace slowed down.

He took advantage of this opportunity to hide in the shadows and took off his coat over her white dress.

In this way, people in black suddenly lost their goals and had to scatter to find.

Shen Ning's nose suddenly smelled a **** air, and at the same time felt a hot and humid heat on the back of her clothes.

"Are you hurt?" She wanted to ask, Mo Chuan covered her mouth.


He heard that the men in black did not go far, and after a while, he took her out of the darkness and walked to the dark and remote place.

During this time he stayed in the capital city of South Vietnam. He was already familiar with the large and small streets in the city. Although in the dark night, he could still clearly identify the direction.

Unaware of the origin of the group of people in black, he intuitively believed that the city was unsafe, so he took her out of the city, through a dense forest, and came to the foot of a mountain.

He plans to find a clean cave and let her settle down first.

"Aren't you good at Kung Fu? Why don't you fight with them, but want to escape? You brought me here, what exactly do you want to do?" Shen Ning suddenly said coldly.

Although in the dark night, the situation just now was extremely dangerous, but she can still see that this guard named Xiaohei martial arts is surprisingly high. If he stays in the palace to help the guards resist, the palace will not die so much. people.

Mo Chuan let go of her arm and lowered her to the ground, and saw that she had a pretty face, a beautiful face, and her eyes were like stars, with a tone of condemnation in her voice.

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