Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2021: Let him disappear

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This time Shen Ning was taken aback. She opened her eyes and looked at Mochuan in disbelief.

Then an anger rushed into her heart.

"Butler, butler!" She shouted, not looking at Mo Chuan standing in front of her.

Mo Chuan just stood quietly, but his eyes did not leave her face for a moment.

The housekeeper came upon hearing the news and said with a panic: "Wife of the princess, what can I tell you?"

Before he left, he told him to protect the safety of the concubine. If the concubine lost one hair, he had to ask him.

He knew that the princess was the eyes of the prince. If she had a cold or cough, the prince would treat it like a big thing. Where did he dare to neglect it? Against her mind.

"Who is this person? How could he appear here, hurry him out." Shen Ning said coldly.

The butler couldn't help but looked up at Mochuan.

"Returning to the concubine, this man is the guard in our house. Among the guards who have just been called into the palace, it is his best effort, so the slave sent him to protect the lady, if the lady did not like to see He, the minion, made him stop appearing in front of the princess. "

He wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and glared at Mo Chuan.

"Your identity is a guard, secretly protecting the princess princess, don't be fooled in front of the princess princess, it will hinder the princess princess."

His attitude towards Mo Chuan was not so friendly, but he did n’t dare to offend him casually, because he had seen the martial arts displayed by Mo Chuan himself, and even the best guards in the house were not as good as him. One-tenth.

Mo Chuan's eyes still looked at Shen Ning in an instant, as if he hadn't heard the housekeeper's words at all.

There was a flash of anger on the housekeeper's face.

What was going on with this new bodyguard, he was so reckless, and regarded his words as a deaf ear. If it were not for his good work, he would have ordered him out.

"Are you deaf? Go on, go on!" The butler stared at Mo Chuan again.

Mo Chuan finally looked away from Shen Ning's face, but he didn't look at the housekeeper, but his figure flickered and disappeared from the eyes of the two.

But Shen Ning still felt a sense of pressure and aura. She knew that the black guard did not really disappear. He just concealed his figure so that he and the housekeeper could not see him.

And he hid in the dark, still peeping at him with unfathomable eyes.

"Housekeeper, I asked you to drive him away from the palace, not to let him disappear in front of you, why don't you listen to me? Do you only listen to the order of the prince, when my words are the wind in your ears?" Shen Ning's face sank coldly. Looking at the housekeeper.

She didn't want to see the young man in black again for a moment, and she finally calmed down the heart lake, and didn't want to make waves again because of this inexplicable person.

The steward was grimacing. He dared not say yes to Shen Ning's words, let alone say no.

In his eyes, the words of the prince are naturally to be listened to, and the orders of the princess concubine must not be violated.

"The princess and the princess please calm down, the servants are also forced to do nothing. The prince originally trained a group of martial arts good guards, but this time he went out with the prince, but he did not return alone ..."

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