Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2020: Come for you

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Chu Shaoyang left the palace early the next morning.

He didn't tell Shen Ning where to go, let alone do any errands. She knew that there must be a reason for not saying it, so she didn't question him, but just sent him out of the house.

When she was ready to return to the room, the housekeeper stopped in front of her and said respectfully: "Please wait a moment, the royal lady told you, please go to the garden to enjoy the flowers, and then return to the room to rest later."

She wondered: "Why?"

"This is the order of the prince, the minions just acted according to the orders." The steward replied obediently.

Shen Ning nodded without asking much and went for a walk in the garden.

She sat on the swing for a long time and swinged it for a long time. Speaking of this, Chu Shaoyang built it specially for her. To make her happy, he really took a lot of thoughts.

He treats her well, and she sees them one by one.

Isn't she impressed that she is not a wooden man?

He said before leaving, he would get married as soon as he came back.

She leaned her head against the rope and sighed lightly.

To be honest, she was not prepared to be his wife, but she decided to promise him, not giving herself the opportunity to repent.

"Why sigh?"

Suddenly, a low, clear voice rang behind her.

She was startled and turned around.

The midday sun shone down from the top of her head and shone on a young man in black standing behind her. His facial features were unremarkable, but his eyes were as unpredictable as the sea.

"You ... why are you here?"

Shen Ning's eyes widened in amazement.

Although she expected that he would appear again, she never expected that Chu Shaoyang had just left his front foot, and his back foot appeared in front of herself, and it was in the midday sun.

"How dare you dare to break into the palace during the day, you ..."

Her words were not finished, because the young man in black looked at her quietly and said:

"I naturally came for you."

Her heart pounded, her cheeks uncontrollably developed a fever.

"Bold! Do you know who I am, how dare you say such a thing to me!" She sullenly said, coldly: "If you don't leave, I will call someone."

The young man in black stood there motionlessly. Although he was in black, he just gave her the feeling that the jade tree was in the wind.

His facial features were obviously not outstanding, but she could not look away from his face.

"Of course I know who you are, and I know where this is."

The young man in black raised the corner of his lips, revealing a slight ironic smile, but the smile was very light, and flashed away in his eyes.

"This is King Chu's Mansion. You are the wife of His Royal Highness who hasn't gotten married yet, but up and down in the mansion has already honoured you as a Queen Princess, isn't it, Queen Princess?"

He deliberately prolonged his tone, she could not feel a little respect, but just felt ironic and could not help frowning.

"Since you know my identity, leave quickly, and I will not hold you accountable for trespassing into the palace."

His aggressive eyes and tone made her feel uneasy and somehow, she was feeling a great pressure in front of him, making her panicked and trying to escape.

In order to cover up her panic, she could only raise her face and said coldly.

"Princess Concubine, I was just called into the house as a bodyguard. I was instructed to protect your safety and my duties, so I will not leave." Mo Chuan said calmly.

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