Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2018: Get married when you come back

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Chu Shaoyang's complexion was only mild.

"What did the princess do while the king was not in the house, but did she ever leave the house?" He asked again.

The butler glanced at Chu Shaoyang's complexion and replied carefully: "After getting up, the princess concubine used breakfast before going to the garden to swing, but did not leave the house."

"Have she ever asked about the whereabouts of Ben Wang?"

"This ..." The butler hesitated and replied: "The concubine did not ask the prince."

Chu Shaoyang's face sank again.

"Where is the princess now?"

"Back to the prince, the princess concubine did not come out after returning from the garden." The housekeeper replied.

Chu Shaoyang thought for a while and said, "Ben Wang went to see her."

He gave a few words to the housekeeper, and then walked to the embroidered building in the backyard.

Stepping up, he saw Shen Ning's back at a glance.

She was standing against the fence, staring at the clouds on the horizon, stunned, and even he walked behind her without realizing it.

Chu Shaoyang stretched his arms around her slim waist and said softly, "What are you thinking?"

Shen Ning was tight, the first reaction was to break free, but she struggled slightly, and Chu Shaoyang looked at her with a wounded expression.

"Ning'er, we are about to get married, are you still used to let me touch you?" He said quietly.

She felt soft in her heart and remembered that he had done many things for himself during this time. It can be said that he was a docile oneself. He was not a person with such a character. If he could do this for himself, he must have loved himself.

He was right, he was about to marry him and become his wife, and being hugged and hugged by him was nothing. If she refused him again, she would not bear it.

But she was held in his arms, but inexplicably felt annoyed.

Not wanting to be noticed by her, she lowered her eyes and whispered: "You left the house early in the morning, but is there anything important?"

Chu Shaoyang's heart was filled with joy, and she said tightly: "Ninger, you still have me in your heart, you still care about me, right?"

She smiled: "I don't care about you, who cares?"

Chu Shaoyang laughed. He felt that he was really worried. She just uttered a few words in her dream.

"Ning'er, I'm going to leave you for a few days. The emperor handed me an errand. I will start my journey tomorrow morning. When I'm not in the house, don't go anywhere. Wait for me to come back, know? "

Shen Ning raised his eyes and looked at him: "Where are you going? Is it dangerous?"

Somehow, she heard that he was leaving for a few days, and she felt relieved in her heart.

Chu Shaoyang listened to her concern, but she was very pleased and smiled: "You worry about me, don't you? Rest assured, I will definitely come back peacefully. When I come back, we will get married immediately, OK?"

He can't wait any longer, secretly regretting that he really shouldn't set the wedding after a month.

Shen Ning frowned: "You get married when you come back? Wouldn't the wedding post you want to change your day?"

Chu Shaoyang thought without hesitation: "Change the day, change the day."

He stroked her hair and said: "After I leave, I will send someone to protect your safety. You do n’t have to worry. You can go wherever you want to play, buy what you want, do n’t save money for me, as long as you are happy , I'm happier than anything. "

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