Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2017: Help the master grab people

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Mo Chuan quietly left the palace of King Chu.

He knew that if she had forgotten everything, then only one person in the world could remind her.

That person is her master, Gu Qingze.

"Chasing the wind, Primary 4, you rushed to the Valley of Divine Doctor immediately and invited Dr. Gu to come here."

Zuifeng and Xiaosi opened their mouths at the same time, all with incredible expressions on their faces.

"Master, what kind of man is that Valley God Doctor? How could we please move him?" Xiao Si swallowed a sip before he could speak.

Mo Chuan's face sank like water, and said coldly: "You only need to mention Ning'er's name, and Gu Shenyi will definitely come."

The body of Xiao Si and Zhu Feng shook.

"Master, didn't I look at the flowers yesterday? The girl I saw was really ... yes ..." He dare not say that name because that name is Master's restricted area.

Mo Chuan nodded silently.

Xiaosi and Zuifeng opened their mouths again, and ecstatic expressions appeared on both faces.

Chasing the wind is not good at words, but Xiaosi is the master who can't hide the words in his heart.

"Master, since we have found the Queen Mother, what are we waiting for, Master, you have such a high martial arts, can't you just go in and bring people out? Forgive me that Chu Shaoyang is not the Master's opponent. The wind goes in together to help you grab someone! "He rushed out.

Chasing the wind is much calmer, knowing that things will never be as simple as Primary Four said, otherwise the idea that Primary Four can think of, how could the Master be so smart?

Last night, the master did not return for one night. He guessed where the master was, but the master did not bring the queen's mother back, but asked herself and Xiaosi to go to the **** of the valley. This shows that it must have happened to the queen's mother. accident.

He ripped off the clothes of Primary Four and gave him a wink.

"Master, your subordinates can go to the Valley of the Healing Doctors, let the fourth one stay with you," he said.

Mo Chuan shook his head and said: "I'm worried that Gu Qingze may have an accident there. You and the fourth senior go together as well. There is a mutual care between you. Following the wind, your martial arts are stronger than the fourth senior, but the fourth senior is flexible. , In all things, let Primary 4 get the idea. "

Chasing the wind to lead your life.

Primary 4 hesitated and said: "Master, I ..."

Mo Chuan glared at him, and Xiao Si immediately swallowed back the words that came to his mouth, and dared not say anything.


Chu Shaoyang had already been on leave for a month. He wanted to use this month to prepare for the wedding, and he wanted to stay beside her for a moment to avoid accidents before the wedding.

But all plans are not up to date.

Early the next morning, he received the imperial order from the palace and called him to enter the palace immediately.

He frowned, a hundred reluctantly.

In his mind, this position of King Chu is far less important than her.

But the emperor personally ordered to declare that he could not shirk and had to obey the purpose to enter the palace.

After he returned from the palace, his face became very ugly, and his face was calm, but he couldn't say a word. The people in the house were all disturbed, and the atmosphere did not dare to show up.

"What about the doctor? Has the king told him to do it? Has the princess's medicine been tormented again?" He called the housekeeper in the house and asked sharply.

The steward replied cautiously: "Everything has been obeyed by the prince's instructions, and the doctor has taken the pulse for the princess and reopened the prescription."

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