Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1988: Never turn over

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Su Jin nodded, waiting for Empress Zhou to follow.

What she couldn't understand was that the empress dowager was rejected by the emperor. How could she still have a light smile. Didn't the empress dove in favor of this marriage?

"But for this marriage, Ai's family has made up their minds. The emperor agrees with him or disagrees. They must marry! This is a big event that is beneficial to the country and the people. Ai's family will never allow the emperor to make a living. He will rule for him, and as soon as the emperor leaves Kyoto, the Ai family will send a messenger to prepare a gift to raise a relative to Princess Lanxin of Beiqi. "

Empress Zhou put down her teacup and said slowly.

Su Jin was taken aback, and blurted out, "Isn't this a cut first? If the emperor comes back and knows, what should I do?"

Empress Zhou nodded and said: "It's good, it is to cut the performance first, and the things decided by the Ai family are absolutely not allowed to have any mistakes! Su Jin, except for the Ai family, this thing is only for you to know, if the news leaked, it reached the ear of the emperor. Here, when something bad happens, I can only ask you if you are sad! "

Su Jin fell to his knees and paled, "The slave-servant never dare to talk, please feel relieved."

"If you get up, if the mourning family can't believe you, you won't tell you such top secret things." Empress Zhou raised her hands and looked very calm.

Su Jin bit her lip and looked up at Empress Zhou, who looked like she kept talking.

"What do you want to say, is there anything you can't say in front of Aijia? Say!"

Su Jin drumed up her courage and said: "Queen Empress, please forgive your slaves to speak out. You don't want to tell the emperor to do so. In case the North Qi prince promised to do something, then Princess Lanxin would be the empress queen, if it was What should I do when I come back? "

Empress Zhou's face sank: "That Shen girl has fallen into the hands of Chu Shaoyang, where can you keep innocence! How can an unchasteful woman be a country after another! Without that face coming back, not to mention Chu Shaoyang's official residence in the Chu King of Nanyue, who is higher than Jue Xian, and more powerful than the emperor Mo Chuan. That Shen girl followed Chu Shaoyang, it was her fortune. "

Su Jin bowed her head and said nothing.

Empress Zhou shouted: "Why, don't you think that Shen girl is also qualified to be our queen of West Chu!"

Su Jin whispered: "Don't dare say that."

"Don't dare to say, you think so in your heart!" Empress Zhou rushed up angrily, slammed **** the table, and said, "What good is that girl Shen, you both maintain her like this! Come, she is the evildoer of a scourge! "

Su Jin remembered Shen Ningsuri's life and the treatment of Queen Mother Zhou, and boldly said: "Queen Mother, your body is getting better and healthier. Speaking of it is also a part of the Queen Mother, if it is not an ancient magic doctor ..."

Empress Zhou's irritated expression froze on her face when she heard the words "Ancient Doctor".

She calmed down to think about it carefully, and felt that Su Jin's words were not unreasonable. The reason why she was so angry with Shen Ning was all because her son made some unconventional actions for her. If she said that, she For himself, and even for the entire Xichu, there is no merit.

But "Charming the King's Heart"!

This sin alone is enough to make her eternal life too.

Empress Zhou has made up her mind.

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