Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1987: After eating scales and iron

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Su Jinshu disagrees with the post-apocalyptic theory insisted by the Empress Dowager Zhou, but she is only a slave-servant, and where there is a place for her to put her beak, she can only keep her mouth shut.

At this time, she saw that Empress Zhou put down her tea cup, and the sorrow cloud between her eyebrows had disappeared. Obviously, the problem that had troubled her had been solved, and her heart suddenly relaxed, helping the Empress Zhou to gently pound her shoulders.

"Mother Empress, there is a dim sum just made here, you have a piece."

Empress Zhou nodded, picked up a snack and delivered it to her mouth. She chewed a few chews and said, "This is Poria Melaleuca, it tastes good, and it's more fragrant than usual. I didn't expect the chef in our palace The craft is getting better. "

Su Jin's lips moved, and he swallowed back at his lips.

She really wanted to tell Empress Zhou that the recipe for this dim sum was handed over to the queen empress when she left the palace, and let her teach the cook in Shoukang Palace. The horseshoe powder was added to the poria cocos cake. It will be fragrant and glutinous.

But she knows that Shen Ning's name is mentioned at this time, not to mention burning oil on the fire. The most inaudible thing about the Empress Zhou is Shen Ning.

"The empress dowager likes to eat, just eat one more piece." She whispered.

During this time, Empress Zhou was worried about Mochuan, and her tea was unintentional. No matter what exquisite food was sent by Emperor Kitchen, Empress Zhou put down her chopsticks at most after only two tastings. At night, she also tossed and turned, making it difficult to sleep.

Su Jin looked in her eyes, worried in her heart.

At this time, it was rare to see that Empress Zhou was in a good mood, and she also sighed with relief.

Empress Zhou smiled in the corner of her lips: "Su Jin, don't hold back, these few snacks are for you."

Su Jin's eyes were hot, and she whispered: "The slave maid is happy when she sees the empress dowager, and the slave majesty is more happy than anything else. This dim sum is loved by the empress dowager. The slave maid looks at the empress dowager to eat, which is even happier than she eats."

She could not remember how long she had not seen Empress Zhou smile.

Empress Zhou smiled and said: "Your girl's mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter, and even this dessert can't reach your mouth."

Having said that, she also knew that Su Jin's words came from her heart and patted Su Jin's back of her hand.

"Su Jin girl, you guessed it, the emperor is so disgusted with the mourning house today, but why the mourning house is not angry with him, but will be happy?" She looked at Su Jin with a smile.

That's why Su Jin couldn't figure it out if she wanted to break her scalp.

At this time, the Queen Mother Zhou asked, and she answered truthfully: "The slave-servant does not know, the slave-servant is also strange. The emperor wants to go out alone and wants to go out to the palace to find the queen's mother. Why doesn't the queen mother dissuade him? The emperor always listens to the queen mother. If you insist, the emperor will listen to him in the end. "

Empress Zhou sighed and shook her head: "You don't understand the emperor, he took the scales and iron this time, he must go to find Shen girl, no matter whether the family disagrees, he will insist on his own opinion. If the mourning family would say a few more words, I was afraid that he would turn my face immediately, and the mourning family would not want to touch his nails, so as not to hurt the mother and child again. Besides, the mourning family has figured it out, and the emperor is not in the palace. , It's a good thing. "

"Good thing?" Su Jin opened her round eyes and looked at Empress Zhou with a puzzled expression.

Empress Zhou smiled slightly and said, "The Ai family and the emperor mentioned the marriage with Princess Lanxin of the Northern Qi Kingdom today, but the emperor refused."

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