Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Mo Chuan couldn't help getting angry.

"Originally speaking, the mother-in-law finally found a suitable reason to abolish it, okay, very good. If the mother-in-law wants to abolish Ning'er's queenship, then please ask her mother-in-law's emperor Okay! "Mo Chuan grabbed the inkstone on the table and threw it to the ground.

Empress Zhou looked at the inkstone fragments on the ground and felt a terrible pain in her heart. It seemed that it was not the inkstone that fell to the ground by her son, but her heart that was broken for her son.

However, she quickly adjusted her emotions, without showing any point on her face, raised her eyes, and looked at Mochuan calmly.

"As the emperor, the first thing to do is to endure! To endure the ordinary people can't endure, to endure indifferently, to endure into steel! How can you become an atmosphere if you are so irritable?"

Mo Chuan said coldly: "Children can't do the word" forbear "that the mother said, then ask the mother to abolish the childless emperor."

The empress dowager endured the air: "Emperor, don't be angry, no one can bear this heavy burden except you, you let the Ai family abolish you, could you not want to carry this burden long ago? You don't want to be an emperor , Who will do it? Who can hold half of your civil and military ministers in the Manchu Dynasty? If you give up the throne, you are giving up the people in the world. You are not responsible for the people! "

Mo Chuan raised his chin: "Even if it is for the people, the children are not willing to be an emperor who swallows his voice and is at his mercy!"

"Chuan'er! How can you be so ignorant and don't know the whole body! After the Ai Jia made you abandon, it was not because Shen Yatou made a mistake, but because she fell into the hands of Chu Shaoyang, she was also falling into it. In the hands of the Nanyue people, did the Nanyue emperor get her, would n’t it be a strange thing? If you abolish her queenship, then she is an ordinary woman, and the emperors of Chu Shaoyang and the Nanyue Kingdom can no longer threaten her You, this is a very good thing for the country, why can't you understand it? "

How did Mo Chuan not understand this truth? But he just couldn't do it.

"Erchen is not afraid of threats, and he believes that Chu Shaoyang will not reveal Ning'er's identity to the emperor of Nanyue!"

Empress Zhou shouted, "You are confused! So who is Chu Shaoyang, he can flee the country, and there is nothing he can do? Not to mention he hated you for a long time, he hated you for taking his throne, I hate you for robbing his princess. What he thinks is to take everything he lost back from you! Will he let Ning'er take away this good opportunity? If he threatens you with Shen Ya's life , Let you give him the position of emperor, will you agree in one go? "

She stared at Mo Chuan tightly.

Mo Chuan couldn't help but suffocate.

He almost burst out: "Of course."

In his mind, what did the throne count? Compared with Ning'er, he will drop the throne without hesitation.

But when this sentence is spoken, it must deeply hurt the mother's heart.

In order to support her ascend to the throne, her mother did not know how much effort and arduous effort it took to rule out the public opinion and let the younger one ascend to the throne.

The mother-in-law has cultivated him with all his heart for so many years, and has taught him to become a good emperor wholeheartedly, so that he will change the country from barren to rich, from weak to strong, and Empress Zhou ’s words of bitterness are like a stream of water in his ear After that, he was awake and agitated him!

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