Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1983: Big mistake

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Empress Zhou stared at her son, her chest undulating. This was probably the first time her son treated herself with such a tough attitude, she should have been very angry.

But while irritated, she looked at the arrogance on her son's face, and the tall and straight figure, she couldn't help but feel proud of having such a sturdy son.

The son finally grew up!

He not only has his own thoughts, but also his own determination, he also has an arrogant attitude that will never succumb to others!

However, such an arrogant manner cannot protect a country, especially the precarious Xi Chu!

If it were not for the grim and compelling situation, how could the Empress Zhou be willing to be a ruthless stick for playing mandarin ducks? Doesn't she want the mother to be filial and filial?

Although his son has grown up, he is too young after all, considering that things are not as comprehensive as he is, and he is young and impulsive, and he is stunned by his emotions. If he acts alone, he may make a big mistake!

As an emperor, you can be passionate, but you can never be dedicated!

He can marry a hundred concubines, but he cannot be alone! Just like the son now, only one woman is identified, it is a big mistake!

Empress Zhou originally thought that after her son became married, the heat of Shen girl would slowly subside, and then she would marry him a few more concubines to open branches for the royal family, so that the harem became full.

But she didn't expect her son to be married for such a long time, but the sentiment towards Shen girl not only didn't lighten, but was even more unexcitable!

This is something she never knew!

She had ten thousand words in her heart to teach her son, but seeing the firm expression on her son's face, she knew that no matter what she said now, the son could not hear it. The wounded mother and son are hurt, and it's not good to be irreversible.

She has always been determined and moved, and she knows that her son has a soft temper but not a hard temper. If he is forced to hurry, it will not be beautiful.

"Emperor, you have such a guts, so that the mother is very pleased, not to mention the matter of marriage for the time being, let's just talk about Shen Ya." Zhou Taihou's words changed.

Mo Chuan was refreshed and said, "What do mothers want to say?"

Empress Zhou picked up the secret report and read it again. Then she said, "This secret report is all true?"

Mo Chuan said: "It's all true, even if the county magistrate had a hundred guts, he wouldn't dare say anything."

Empress Zhou nodded and said: "Since this means that Shen Yatou is now in the hands of Chu Shaoyang, Ai Jia asked you, with Chu Shaoyang's temperament, since he grabbed Shen Yatou, you think he will Have you let her go? "

Her words just hit the most painful place in Mo Chuan's heart, but that could not shake his determination at all.

He said firmly: "Because of this, the son-in-law has to rush to rescue her personally, and she must not be tortured in the hands of Chu Shaoyang."

Empress Zhou sneered: "Chuan'er, you are still obsessed, even if you rescue her back, is she still that innocent Shen Ning? Does she still have the face to sit in the queen's position? If she was abandoned, would she please come down? "

Mo Chuan's face was cold and frost, and he said coldly: "What do you mean, mother? You mean that Ning'er is not innocent, is she not worthy of being a country?"

"As a queen, she is a model of a country's women. If she is unclear, what is her qualification to be a queen!"

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