Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1945: Hidden in the city

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She was very clever. She first went around the street, found an old clothes shop, changed to a set of men's old clothes, continued to dress up as men's clothes, and blackened her face with soot.

By the time she came out of the old clothes shop, she was already the same as before.

No one can think of this coarse cloth, the dirty face is Shen Ning who escaped from the inn.

She drilled into the backyard of the inn and then into the kitchen.

The kitchen in the inn is always the busiest place and the place where manpower is never enough. As soon as she entered the door, someone told her.

"Little third son, where is your dead boy? Go fetch water! Go quickly!" A fat cook shouted at her, apparently mistakenly recognized her as someone else.

Everyone in the kitchen is unkempt, with either coal or ash on her face, so her appearance is just like any other guy.

Shen Ning immediately turned around and hit the bucket of water.

The fat cook praised: "Little Sanzi has a neat hand and foot today, go and hack the wood in that corner."


Shen Ning swept the corner of her eyes and saw a large bundle of wood piled in the corner of the chaifang. She was in her arms and walked over to split the wood.

After a few cracks, I heard a loud noise outside, and the shopkeeper in the inn shivered and begged:

"Your grandfather is angry, and angry, the villain really did not see a girl going out from here!"

Then I heard Chu Shaoyang's voice rang coldly.

"She's in that room, how come she disappeared suddenly? As an innkeeper, you said you didn't see it. Are you blind?"

"Grandpa, just now the villain saw Grandpa and this guy fighting, and they couldn't help but crowded into the crowd and watched it. It would be lively. The villain really didn't know when the girl left." Almost crying out loud.

When Shen Ning heard this, he knew that Chu Shaoyang had found himself missing.

She buried her head low and continued to chop up the wood as if nothing had happened.

"Third Brother, don't worry, this thing is no wonder the shopkeeper, Ning'er must have sneaked away. She is so wise and snowy, if she wants to slip out and not be seen, it should not be easier. Three Brother, I want to ask you, Ning'er is so good, why should she leave suddenly? "

Chu Shaoyang looked cold and said coldly: "The most important thing now is to find Ning'er. You ask Dongdong to ask what to do! Isn't it a good tracking technique? Are you looking for it! You put Ning'er Get me back! "

Chu Shaobai looked back at his aggressive gaze without shrinking and said calmly: "Of course I will go to Ning'er, but after I find her, I won't bring her back again. Brother, her sudden departure, sure It's about you. You can let her leave for the first time, and there will be a second time. You don't have to hide it from me. You must have done something that made her sad, so she will leave without saying goodbye. "

Chu Shaoyang was furious. With his palms, he smashed a chair with a slap, only to be terrified that the shopkeeper and the second boys shivered like sieve bran, almost all of their heads shrank into their necks, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

"Chu Shaobai, what kind of fart did you put! Which of your eyes saw me doing something that made her sad!"

"Have you never done it? What happened to the two maid bodies in that room?" Chu Shaobai looked at him coldly.

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