Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1944: People, still on their own!

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Chu Shaoyang is a big devil who kills people without blinking in his bones!

Such a person is really terrible!

She must leave here, leave Chu Shaoyang, far away from him.

She could not bear to stay with Chu Shaoyang for a moment, and as soon as she saw him, how innocent deaths of these two maidservants would appear in her eyes, and as soon as she thought of him, her chest surged. Disgust and hate.

She must run away!

But how to escape? Chu Shaoyang's martial arts are so high, how can she escape?

Shen Ning suddenly thought of the firework bomb that Chu Shaobai gave her. Xiaobai said that as soon as she let go of the firework bomb, he would appear in front of her immediately. Xiaobai's light skills are so good that he can help himself out of here of.

She took the fireworks from her arms and was about to set them off, and suddenly thought, no!

Xiaobai is a brother of Chu Shaoyang. The so-called father and son soldiers, fighting tiger brothers, his relationship with Chu Shaoyang is very close, and he will never do anything to betray his love for himself.

If he asks him, he will only make him embarrassed. It is more likely that he will shock Chu Shaoyang and make him guard. It will be more difficult if he wants to escape.

People, still on their own!

Shen Ning made up his mind and put away the fireworks.

Suddenly, she heard bursts of applause outside the window, and the sound became louder and louder. She pushed open the window and looked out, only to see that on the street outside, there was a crowd of people, blocking the entire street so that it could not be drained. But a big space was vacated.

The two figures are flying around in this open space like flowers and butterflies, playing well and not fiercely.

The crowd burst into applause from time to time.

Shen Ning fixed his eyes and immediately recognized that the two people who could not fight each other were none other than Chu Shaoyang and Chu Shaobai brothers!

Why are they fighting?

She couldn't help but be surprised. Suddenly, there was a flash of light in her mind, and a thought struck her heart. She couldn't help but patted her head and secretly called herself stupid enough.

No matter why they played so fiercely, but this is a great time to slip away!

Don't slip at this time, when should I wait?

Shen Ning quickly took off her outer clothes, put on a maid's clothes, and wrapped the burning stick with a cloth, placed it on her back, opened the door, and slipped out of the back door of the inn.

No one questioned her, and no one paid attention to her. Everyone was attracted by the brilliant fight.

So she left the inn easily.

Because she hated Chu Shaoyang, she took nothing when she left, and there was nothing valuable around her, not even the money she wanted to hire a carriage.

The only thing she took away was the burning stick.

However, Shen Ning did not worry at all. She knew that even if she could afford a carriage with silver money, she could never run far, and she would soon be caught up by Chu Shaoyang.

She didn't even think about escaping, or even leaving here.

Sometimes, the more dangerous place is the safer place, she understands this truth better than anyone else.

When Chu Shaoyang discovered that she was gone, the first reaction must have been that she ran, and he would definitely chase it, so he absolutely could not think that she did not run at all, but left her in place.

Of course, she would not be stupid enough to stay in that room and be caught by Chu Shaoyang in an urn.

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