Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1938: Return to the original owner

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What Shen Ning fears most is that he reiterates his old things and lets herself admit to feelings towards him. She has a good impression of him, but that is definitely not love. She knows it very clearly.

She turned her eyes and changed the subject.

"Did you give me everything in this baggage?" She asked, pointing at the big baggage placed in the corner.

Chu Shaoyang looked down in the direction of her finger and nodded, "Yes, all the gifts I prepared for you, do you like it?"

This baggage was found in the carriage where he found her. The baggage he used to see was opened. Rao was born in the emperor's house. He had seen countless rare treasures since he was a child, but he saw this baggage. The things in it were still shocked and speechless.

He only knew a small part of the things in it at most, most of them had never seen it, and even knew its origin and purpose, but he knew the huge and round pearl of the night, and this pearl of night alone was valuable.

If everything in this baggage has the same value as this night pearl, I am afraid that this baggage can buy a country!

Chu Shaoyang finally recovered from the shock. He only felt that his palm was hot and his heart was pounding. Such a huge treasure suddenly landed in front of him from the sky, so he could hardly believe it was true.

But he soon woke up, and all the things in this bag were for her!

Because he also found several kinds of girl's home jewelry in the bag, each piece is clever and exquisite.

He thought about it and realized that the carriage was the killer of the Zixiaoge, and she was in the carriage again, and the burden was beside her. Obviously, everything here was the killer to please her And prepared gifts!

What a jerk, it's really unpredictable!

It turned out that the killer simply didn't want to kill her, but wanted to get her!

He gave her the Forgetful Pill, let her forget everything, and then took her away, looking for a place where no one was waiting for her to wake up, and then the first person she saw was him!

He also prepared these valuable treasures, any of which is enough to touch the hearts of any woman in this world!

Chu Shaoyang became more and more angry, and he scolded the thousand-faced son in his heart for his unfinished skin. At the same time, he was secretly thankful. Fortunately, his men found the trace of the killer, so he stopped him and made his strategy unsuccessful.

He also drove away the carriage by mistake and rescued her from the killer.

Chu Shaoyang was not a man who loved wealth, but when he saw this huge wealth, he couldn't help but be thrilled, and a heart almost jumped out of his mouth.

With this wealth, his plan can be carried out more smoothly, and his ambitions and rewards will be realized!

She has forgotten everything before, and after she woke up, she didn't ask about this burden at all. Obviously, she didn't know the existence of this treasure. As long as she didn't say, no one in the world would know.

What's more, she is her own wife, her things are hers, he and she have nothing to do with each other.

A voice in Chu Shaoyang's heart said to him, take it, this thing is yours, even her people are yours, even if she knows in the future, she will never blame you.

But after thinking about it, he decided to return all the things in the bag to the original owner.

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