Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1937: Where's the stick

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Shen Ning just flipped around casually, and knew that this seemingly ordinary and ordinary bag contained all things that were not ordinary and ordinary, so he just took out the same and feared that he would be able to buy several cities.

But besides being a little interested in Ye Mingzhu and Yan Songmo, she was also interested in other things. After reading a few things, she let the two maids gather up their bags and put them in the corner of the room, leaving only Ye Mingzhu and Yan Song Ink is on hand.

"Huh, what is this?"

Shen Ning's eyes swept and fell on a swarthy thing, like a burning stick.

She took it with her hand, and as soon as her fingers touched the burning stick, she suddenly felt a bit of coldness pass from the stick, until it was cold in her heart, and she could not help shivering shiveringly.

"It's so cold, so cold." She was trembling, and she couldn't help pressing her hand on the stick again.

This time she was on guard. Although she was still cold, she still held the burning stick in her hand and raised it.

"What's this?" She waved a few times, only to feel that her handle was cold and smooth, rather than a stick, it was more like a sword without a blade.

sword? How could this thing be a sword?

Shen Ning was amused by her thoughts, but she knew that this burning stick was extraordinary because it was too cold and too heavy, at least twice as heavy as steel of the same volume.

After only a few strokes, her arm began to sore, and at the same time, she was sneezed several times in a row by the cold air.

"Ning'er, what's wrong with you? But caught a cold?"

Suddenly, the door of the room was pushed open, and Chu Shaoyang came in from the outside. When he saw Shen Ning, his face suddenly changed, and he rushed forward to hold her wrist, his face nervous.

"Why is your face so ugly? Why are your hands so cold? How do you serve Mrs. Young?" He turned his head and glared at the two maids.

"Master forgive sins, slave-servant, slave-servant ..." The two maids were scared to their knees, scared by Chu Shaoyang's murderous expression, and stuttered.

"It has nothing to do with them, I just feel a little cold."

Shen Ning put down the burning fire stick, which made him feel a little warmer.

Just now she was frozen with blue lips and white goose bumps, as if she were in an ice cellar.

"Cold?" Chu Shaoyang immediately looked at her with concern, seeing her lips pale and her face completely bloodless, and her heart was pitiful and painful, holding her palm and slowly sending a soft internal force into it. Inside her.

"Is it better now?"

"Much better, not cold at all, Chu Shaoyang, thank you."

Shen Ningyu exhaled, only feeling that the airflow that Chu Shaoyang sent into her body was warm and mellow, like a warm spring breeze, blowing away the cold winter, making her whole body feel like soaking in the warm spring water, comfortable Extremely.

"Silly girl, you are my wife, thank me." Chu Shaoyang smiled slightly, rubbing her hair indulgently.

Somehow, his intimate words and intimate behavior made Shen Ning suddenly feel a strange feeling. She turned her head involuntarily and avoided his hand.

Chu Shaoyang looked at his hand in the empty space, and there was a flash of loss in his heart, but he quickly recovered his calm and smiled: "Are you still not used to me touching you? Well, I won't be in the future, I Will wait until the day you really love me. "

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