Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1935: Never show weakness

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"This Chu Shaoyang, half of what he said, is making trouble!" Shen Ning stared, vomiting angrily.

What Chu Shaoyang wanted to say was: You are too perfect, I am afraid I will not be worthy of you, I am afraid that you will leave me one day!

But he refrained from speaking.

can not say!

Such weak words were too detrimental to his masculinity, making him short in front of her.

He chose the largest and best inn in the town and asked for the best room.

Last night, she was wronged and slept in the wilderness, making him very guilty. He had long vowed to share with her all the most beautiful and best things in the world.

Shen Ning entered the room and couldn't help sighing. It was indeed much more comfortable than the tent.

What makes her most happy is that she can take a hot bath.

Shortly afterwards, the two maids came in with two buckets of hot water, and quickly arranged a bathroom for her, filled the bathtub with hot water, and pulled up the screen to block it.

"Young lady, the master told you to let the slaves serve the young lady to bathe you." The two girls said respectfully.

Shen Ning waved his hand and said, "I'm not used to being served when I take a shower. You just wait outside for me."

"Yes, what did the young lady command, just command the slave-maid."

The two maids were very obedient outside the screen.

Shen Ning slowly removed the clothes, walked into the bath tub, soaked in the warm water, and sighed comfortably.

Suddenly, she felt a tingling pain in her left arm. She looked down and saw that the wound on her left arm was soaked in hot water and became red and swollen. Then she realized that she had forgotten how the Sichuan-shaped wound had happened Things, after seeing Chu Shaoyang, we must ask him to ask clearly.

After coming out of the bath tub, she dried her body and changed into clean, close-fitting clothes.

The materials of these close-fitting clothes are very soft, either silk or silk, and should be very luxurious, but the style of the clothes worn outside is very ordinary. Although the materials used are good, the colors and styles are plain.

When Shen Ning thought for a while, he understood Chu Shaoyang's thoughts.

Yes, he is afraid of dressing himself too eye-catching and will cause some unnecessary trouble, so the more low-key the better.

It seems that this guy is not the prince of straw bale he imagined, he is quite smart.

Shen Ning changed the clothes and walked out from behind the screen. I saw a big bag placed on the table, which was strange.

"what is this?"

"Return to Young Lady, the slave-servants don't know what is inside. The master told them to send the baggage to the young lady's room, and ask the slave-servants to take a good look, without any loss."

"Oh? Is that true?"

Shen Ning felt strange. On this trip, Chu Shaoyang originally prepared dozens of big burdens to pack up the furnishings and all kinds of things in her room, but because of her words, she abandoned them all.

But the big baggage was always put in the carriage. She didn't take it seriously, but after listening to the words of this maidservant, she was curious about what was in the baggage.

She walked over and gently untied the burden, to see what was inside.

As soon as the baggage was untied, a soft light appeared.

"Yeah, so beautiful!"

"so beautiful!"

The attention of the two maids was suddenly attracted by the things in the baggage, and even Shen Ning was taken aback.

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