Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1934: Dig endless treasures

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Shen Ning smiled and listened to the fight between the two brothers. They felt that although the two people said fiercely on the mouth, the feelings of the brothers between the two brothers were very dull, which made her feel very moved.

"Okay, I listen to you. I will send Xiaobai to do something in the future. Now, I'm going to sleep."

She finished, beckoned to the two maids, and got into another tent with them.

Chu Shaoyang stood on the ground and did not move for a long time.

He didn't feel a little tired, so he jumped up to a big tree beside him and sat silently on the top of the tree.

The night passed very calmly.

Early the next morning, they set off to continue their journey.

Along the way, Shen Ning really like what she said, she instructed Chu Shaobai to do everything, and Chu Shaobai was also very happy.

Shen Ning thought for a night, and finally came up with a simple shock absorber.

Strangely, when she came up with this simple shock absorber, a shadow flashed vaguely in her mind, as if she had made such a shock absorber.

But she didn't dare to think about it, because she found that as soon as she went after the fuzzy shadow in her mind, her head would become acupuncture-like pain.

She drew a blueprint, clearly written the shock absorber's method and needed things, and then handed it to Chu Shaobai to let him find a craftsman in the next town to see if he could do the things on the picture come out.

Chu Shaobai couldn't understand what she was painting for a long time, and she didn't understand what she wanted from the picture, but he still very obediently developed the skills and hurried in front of them to find skilled craftsmen.

By the time Chu Shaoyang and Shen Ning rushed to that town, Chu Shaobai had taken a shock absorber that had just been made and sent it to Shen Ning.

"Ning'er, look, is this what you want?"

Shen Ning took a look at it and shook his head: "This workmanship is too rough to be used at all. Like this iron wire, it needs to be made very uniformly, not thick and thin ..."

She pointed out the shortcomings in this shock absorber.

Chu Shaobai nodded and said: "Okay, I remember, I'll go and let the master iron hit again."

He turned and ran away.

Chu Shaoyang couldn't help saying: "Ning'er, is the one you want the shock absorber?"

Shen Ning nodded: "Yes, this is the thing. If it can be done, install it on the four wheels of the carriage, it will make the carriage reduce a lot of bumps, and people will no longer suffer from sitting in the carriage. "

Chu Shaoyang heard the words and looked at her intently, as if the eyes met her for the first time.

Suddenly there was a strange feeling in his heart. Was Ning Er in front of him, and Ning Er in his memory really the same person? It seems to be, but it seems not.

She seemed to understand many, many things she didn't even know or heard of.

The more he contacts her, the more she feels that she is an endless treasure, and he will always surprise or shock him inadvertently.

"Why do you look at me with such eyes, there is something dirty on my face?" Shen Ning Qi said.

"No." Chu Shaoyang shook his head slowly. He slowly turned his eyes away and said quietly: "Ning'er, I just think you are too perfect. I'm afraid I will ..."

After half of his words, he suddenly closed his mouth and turned to walk into the inn next to it, leaving Shen Ning alone there, staring at his back in a daze.

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