Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1905: Brotherhood

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"Third Brother! Third Brother!" He rushed into the heap of corpses, hissing and slamming on the ground like crazy, looking at the faces of those corpses.

There was a huge fear in his heart, what should he do if his 3rd brother was also in this pile of dead bodies? He must be crazy!

"Third brother, you can't die! Don't die! You will be all right, all right!"

His tears fell down drastically, screaming incoherently, pulling the bodies one after another like crazy, as if he didn't smell the rotten stench coming from his nose.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that even Chu Shaoyang had done more evil things, but in his heart, he was always his third brother, who loved and loved and loved himself since childhood. Pitiful third brother!

Searched all the bodies, no third brother!

Chu Shaobai looked up at the sky, tears of joy shed in his eyes again.

Thank goodness, the third brother is fine! The third brother is still alive!

Although Chu Shaobai did n’t know exactly what was happening here, all the brothers of the three brothers died here without a trace. This shows that the present situation of the third brother must be very dangerous. He wants to find the third brother, help With one hand!

Chu Shaobai wiped away his tears and embarked on the journey of searching for Chu Shaoyang again, but this time the tracing became much more difficult, without the clue of the black armor soldiers, he now wanted to find Chu Shaoyang as if in the sea Same as haystack.

He searched for ten miles and found nothing. Later, he noticed the traces of the wheels on the ground, and he couldn't help but move. He wondered if the third brother would leave in a carriage, so he didn't leave any footprints?

It's hard to find someone's footprints, but if you want to track the whereabouts of the carriage, it's hard for Chu Shaobai.

He followed the wheel traces until he entered the town.

What puzzled Chu Shaobai was that what the third brother came to do in this small town was not a major road for communication, and the population was not prosperous.

If the third brother is in danger, it does n’t look like it. If the third brother is in danger, he must be running as fast as possible. A fast horse runs much faster than a bulky carriage!

But the third brother drove the carriage, and it was really weird.

Then Chu Shaobai followed the trail of the carriage, and found the big house that Chu Shaoyang bought. He looked at the large mansion house with black tiles and white walls, and was even more puzzled.

The third brother actually set up an industry in this humble town, and he must have a plan once he shot it!

Could there be a treasure buried in this house?

He was curious, and he didn't care that he was still in the daytime, so he quietly sneaked into the house to find out.

With his light work, as long as he keeps a certain distance from Chu Shaoyang, he won't be found out for understanding. As for the others in the yard, Chu Shaobai is not worried. He has long investigated that all the servants are not Ordinary people who know a little martial arts.

He hid in a tall banyan tree, with dense leaves covering his body, watching the movement in the house from afar.

I saw the girl's servants shuttled between them and sent things to the backyard in the direction of the embroidered building, with satin silk, antique calligraphy and paintings, as well as jewelry, rouge and gouache, etc., which were continuously sent to the backyard building.

He saw Chu Shaoyang at a glance.

A handsome young man wearing a purple shirt stood downstairs, his eyes clear, and his facial features were picturesque.

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