Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Although Chu Shaobai rushed to Yuezhou non-stop, when he arrived, the battle of Yuezhou City had already ended. What he saw was Yuezhou City, which was burned into a broken wall by a fire.

It's just that everyone's faces are filled with joyful smiles. Together with the defenders of Yuezhou City, they are picking up the soil and moving the bricks, and they are rebuilding their homes.

Everyone is talking about the victory of this battle.

Seeing this scene, Chu Shaobai froze again.

He thought that he had arrived late, and Yuezhou must have fallen. No matter what he thought he was wrong, instead of losing his guard, Yuezhou defeated the 100,000 troops of the South Vietnamese country with 3,000 troops, killing the other and losing his helmet Flee.

He learned the victory of this battle from the mouth of the people, and heard that all these victories were conceived by the special envoy sent by the imperial capital. The first thought in his mind was: Will the special envoy Ning'er?

But then he denied his thoughts again, feeling ridiculous and ridiculous.

Ning'er is a girl and she doesn't know how to martial arts. How could she stand alone and guard an empty city without changing her face in the face of a hundred thousand troops? That's impossible!

It must be because I miss her so much, so I think of her all the time.

Chu Shaobai left Yuezhou, he was going to find Chu Shaoyang, he wanted to find him face to face and asked why he wanted to treason! Why surrender to South Vietnam! Is Ronghua Fugui so important to him? Let him not even want his own country?

He has always been in good ties with Chasing Wind. He learned a lot of tracing techniques from Chasing Wind. Following them all the way, he finally found Chu Shaoyang's trace.

What makes Chu Shaobai strange is that Chu Shaoyang did not return the country with less than 10,000 horses led by Tuobazheng, the second prince of South Vietnam, but brought his own team of black armor to change In the clothes of Xi Chu, he sneaked all the way.

What is he doing? Where are you going?

Could it be that he was unsatisfied and wanted to sneak into the imperial capital and stab the emperor?

This won't work!

Chu Shaobai pursued and hurried all the way, fearing that he would be late and let Chu Shaoyang succeed.

I want to come to Chu Shaoyang to be familiar with the situation of the imperial capital. However, he wants to mix into the imperial capital to stab, but it is easy, and his martial arts are high.

Anyone knows that he is chasing more and more wondering. Chu Shaoyang's path is very remote. He nearly lost track several times, lost track, and wandered around in several circles before rediscovering clues in the wrong places.

The direction of Chu Shaoyang's advance was not the direction of the imperial capital, but the distance from the imperial capital.

Chu Shaoyang felt reassured that he was still persevering. He knew that he wanted to find Chu Shaoyang alone, but Chu Shaoyang still had a team of black armoured soldiers.

Huang Tian was not disappointed, he finally found it, but what he found was the body of the black armor soldiers everywhere.

It was just a few days after he arrived here.

The masters of Chu Shaoyang, Mochuan and Zixiao have already left, but the corpses of the ground are lying on the ground because no one is hiding. Some corpses have even begun to rot, the situation is terrible.

Suddenly seeing the body of this place, Chu Shaobai's heart almost jumped out of his cavity, and his hands began to shake uncontrollably.

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