Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1809: More like a woman than a woman

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Shen Ning said with a cold smile: "Uncle, if I said you were not quick enough to do things, looking forward and looking back, and mother-in-law, you want me to forget everything, what's so difficult? You just take this forgetfulness Dan out, and then tell me that as long as I After eating this Forgetful Pill, I will forget everything before. I will definitely eat it without hesitation. Do you think I am willing to remember the past? Do you think I lived a happy life in the past? To me Speaking of it, it ’s good to forget. The things that people in the past have done before, I want to forget them all, do n’t remember anything! "

Both Master Zixiao and Master Qianmian looked at her with strange eyes, as if she didn't believe what she said at all.

Especially the thousand-faced son, he did not believe, he did not believe a word.

He knew she could forget anything from anyone, except for one person, she would never forget that person is: Chu Mochuan!

What does she mean by saying that?

Was she worried that her righteous father would punish herself for revealing this secret to her, so she said this deliberately, just wanting to take the blame for herself?

Touched and anxious in his heart, he couldn't help but yell: "Aunt!"

Shen Ningzheng looked at him instantaneously: "Give me the Forgotten Pill."

Thousand-faced son clutched the vial tightly, his right hand shivered slightly, but said nothing could reach out.

"Xiao'er! Give her the Forgotten Pill!" Zixiao Pavilion snorted sharply.

Thousand-faced son shook his body and extended his hand involuntarily, but he heard a "click". The pill bottle was broken because he was too hard, and a vermilion pill spread in the palm of his hand.

Shen Ning smiled slightly, reaching for the pill, and his nails flicked in the palm of the thousand-faced son, making him tremble.

"Aunt, you ... don't eat!" He blurted out.

"Don't eat? If you don't eat, you can only die. Do you want me to die? Little white-eyed wolf, your heart is really dark."

Shen Ning suddenly squeezed his eyes at him, and there was no lack of ridicule and jokes in his tone.

Thousand-faced son dumbfounded. She couldn't think of it. At this time, she still has the mood to make her own joke. Is she really like what she said, want to forget everything before?

"Hey, little white-eyed wolf, come here, I have something to say to you."

Shen Ning pointed his little finger at him.

Qianmianzi couldn't help but approached her.

Shen Ning looked at the Lord Zixiao and said with a smile: "Uncle, I want to say a word with your righteous son, you won't overhear us?"

In the eyes of the Lord Zixiao Pavilion, coldly said: "Just say one word!"

Shen Ning put out his tongue to him: "It's stingy, okay, sentence by sentence."

Thousand-faced young man stood beside her, and saw her eyes clear, lips smiling, and her heart jumped, thinking secretly: What would she say to me?

Anyway, Shen Ning didn't want to whisper, she stared at his face and laughed out loud.

"Little white-eyed wolf, what I want to tell you is that you look more like a woman than a woman!"

Hearing the words, the face of the thousand-faced son instantly turned red, and there was fire in his eyes.

He never dreamed that Shen Ning had to say this to himself.

Lord Zixiao could not help but stunned, staring at Shen Ning, just like watching a monster.

"Girl, have you finished everything you want to say? If there is nothing you want to say, you will take the medicine happily, and the Lord Lord promises you, as long as you take the medicine, the Lord Lord will leave you Life."

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