Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1808: Choose a way

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"Xiao'er, don't you remember what the uncle said?" He said coldly.

The thousand-faced son was shocked, and before he had time to speak, Shen Ning spoke again with a smile.

"Uncle, why do you say something unpleasantly and happily? You must hide it, not at all, because I thought you were a pleasant person, I didn't expect so many twists and turns in your stomach, you If you want to kill me, you can just say it, why do you have one behind the other? "

Wen Yan, Lord Zixiao's face could not help changing, even the face of the thousand-faced son changed greatly, could not help but make a look at Shen Ninglian, told her not to talk nonsense, and ran into her uncle.

"Girl, do you know the consequences of offending the Lord?"

The main face of Zixiao Pavilion was so gloomy that he was about to drip water, and his eyes were murderous, and no more concealment.

Thousand-faced son saw a cold in his heart, knowing that his uncle had taken a murderous opportunity, and moved quietly, wanting to stand in front of Shen Ning, ready to save at any time.

Shen Ning shrugged carelessly and smiled, "Of course I know, but I still know one thing, uncle, you want to kill me because of this!"

She pointed to her head and smiled: "I can hold a lot of secrets inside. If I die, these secrets will only be known to you uncle. Moreover, only dead people in this world will keep secrets. is not it?"

Lord Zixiao snorted, and in his eyes, Shen Ning was indeed a dead man.

A little girl who can't martial arts, if you can walk out of his Zixiao Pavilion alive, it is a big joke.

"Daughter, for the sake of your cooperation, the head of the cabinet originally wanted to leave you a way of life. Unfortunately, if you don't choose that way of life, then you can't blame the head of the cabinet. Luck is too bad! "

He slowly raised his right hand and said coldly: "But after all, you gave me what I want, and the head of the cabinet will leave you a whole body ..."

"Right father, don't!" The son of Thousand Faces shouted with his arms outstretched.

"Xiao'er, you dare to disobey my order!" The two eyebrows of Lord Zixiao's eyebrows were raised, and anger burst out.


Thousand-faced son was so anxious that Khan came out. He knew that as long as his righteous father had shot, although he had more than doubled his skill, he still couldn't resist his father's row of blows.

At this moment, Shen Ning suddenly said: "Hey, Uncle, how do you know that I didn't choose that way of life!"

Her voice was crisp and clearly passed into the ears of Lord Zixiao and Master Qianmian.

The two stared at the same time, looking at her.

"What do you mean?" Lord Zixiao frowned.

Shen Ning did not ignore him, but extended his right hand to the son of Thousand Faces, spread his palms, and said crisply, "Forget Dan, give me!"

The ears of the thousand-faced son, who could hardly believe it, looked at her staringly and asked subconsciously, "What?"

"I want that forgetfulness pill!" Shen Ning said clearly. She turned her head to look at Lord Zixiao: "As long as I serve this forgetfulness pill, you will let me go, right?"

Lord Zixiao's brows were tighter, he looked at the thousand-faced son with cold eyes, his eyes filled with unspeakable anger, and he scolded:

"Xiao'er! You are really disappointing your uncle!"

He hadn't thought that Thousand-faced Master would tell her the story of Forgetting Love Dan, and she spoke out in person unabashedly, making him shy and angry.

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