Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1800: Had a dream

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

His eyes fell on the cold Xuan iron held in her hand, and he could not help but exclaimed.

"What, what is this?"

Shen Ning lifted Han Xuantie and shook him: "This is the fire stick that your pavilion master gave me."

"Burn the fire stick?"

Thousand-faced son's face was all unbelievable, he couldn't help but turned his head to look at the Lord Zixiao: "Father, is this ... is it ..."

Lord Zixiao nodded slowly and said, "It is."

Thousand-faced son was so shocked in his heart that he could not think that his father-in-law even sent the cold Xuan Tie that he loved his life to Shen Ning. How could his father be so generous!

But in a blink of an eye, he understood where the uncle really wanted to send her, but knew that what was sent out would not return to his hands in a long time, so he pretended to be generous.

He remembered the task entrusted to him by his father, and immediately bowed his head, daring to look at Shen Ning again.

"Xiao'er, you should send this girl away now. Remember, you have to cover her eyes, you can't let her see the scene in the pavilion, you know?"

The Master of the Xiaoxiao Pavilion looked at the Master of Thousand Faces solemnly.

"Xiaoer knows."

"Girl, after you leave here, you can't mention this word to anyone, do you know?" Lord Zixiao looked at Shen Ning again.

Shen Ning spit out his tongue: "I know, I just thought it was a dream, and I would never mention it to anyone, or your uncle."

"Even Chu Mochuan is not allowed to mention a word, can it be done?"

"I can do it, I can do it, but it's just a dream. I will soon forget everything here and I can't remember anything."

Shen Ning said with a grin.

She had said casually, but the faces of the Lord Zixiao and the Master of Thousand Faces changed, and the two looked at each other, and their hearts were puzzled.

Does this girl know what? What did Xiaoer reveal to her?

Thinking of this, the master of the Xiaoxiao Pavilion glared at the thousand face son fiercely.

Thousand-faced son opened his mouth and tried to explain himself, but he didn't know how to explain it.

He knew that his righteous father had misunderstood himself, but he said nothing.

"Sister-in-law, the carriage has been prepared. Will you send her away now?"

The Lord Zixiao pondered for a moment and nodded.

Thousand-faced Master sighed with relief, went over to drive the carriage in person, and then put the big burden on the carriage, and said to Shen Ning again: "Get in the carriage."

Shen Ning slightly hesitated and glanced at the carriage. She did not believe that the Lord Zixiao would let her go so easily, so either there was tricks on the carriage, or there was tricks on her way down the peak.

But no matter what, she is not retreating now.

She doesn't want to stay here for a moment now. The so-called soldiers will block it and the water will flood it. She believes that she can always get away.

"That uncle, I'm leaving, thank you for your hospitality these days."

A corner of her mouth showed a sweet smile, and she waved her hand at the Lord of the Xiaoxiao Pavilion, jumped into the carriage, and held the cold iron firmly in her arms.

Lord Zixiao's face was sullen, with no expressions of joy, anger, sadness and joy, as if wearing a fake mask.

Fortunately, Shen Ning had a strange look on his face for a few days. With a giggle, he got into the carriage and put down the curtain.

"Xiao'er, go, blindfold her eyes." Zi Xiaoge said in a deep voice.


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