Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

She lifted the cold iron bar and changed her right hand to the left hand, shouting: "It's cold, uncle, let's go out quickly, and stay a little longer, I will be frozen to death by this cold stick."

Cold stick!

The corner of Zixiao Pavilion's mouth twitched, his eyes fixed on the cold stick in Shen Ning's hands, and he vomited blood in his heart.

How long does this girl's eyes grow, and how so powerful! There are at least hundreds of valuable weapons in this weapon storehouse. She didn't look at any of them. She just took a look at this in the corner. It's not like the cold iron of weapons!

Yes, this cold stick in Shen Ning's mouth is the cold mysterious iron that all martial arts people dream of!

Han Xuan Tie is a treasure of genius. Ordinary people have never even seen it before, and have never heard of it. If a person practicing martial arts can get a piece of Han Xuan Iron that is the size of a fingernail, it will be like a treasure, and smoke will be burned on the ancestral tomb.

Like such a large piece of Han Xuan Tie, don't say no one has seen it, even if someone really saw it, absolutely can't believe it.

He didn't know how much effort it took, and paid the price of nine deaths to get this large piece of cold black iron. The most rare thing is that this cold black iron is naturally like a sword, and no need to be forged.

Because each time Han Xuantie is forged, the power will be weakened by one point.

This cold black iron sword is the sword of the king in his arsenal!

Even the thousand-faced son only heard his name, but did not see its true content. Now he is picked up by Shen Ning, who can be spitting blood in annoyance?

However, his annoyed mood quickly calmed down. He remembered the Forgetful Pill that he had succeeded in practicing for one night. He smiled proudly in his eyes.

Even if she were asked to pick Zhong Han Xuan Tie, the result would be that she would spit it out obediently, just like everything she searched for from her, sooner or later she would return to the original owner.


Lord Zixiao didn't want to delay in this weapon storehouse anymore. As soon as he pressed the organ on the wall, the stone wall opened "barely", and the light from outside suddenly radiated in.

Shen Ning carried Han Xuan Tie like a fire stick, and kept changing his left hand to his right hand. He called "Good Cold" and walked out of the arsenal.

The warm sunlight shone from the top of her head, warming her body, and felt that the sword in her hand was no longer so cold.

"Uncle, will you send me away now?" She asked with a smile.


Zixiao Pavilion clapped his hands and called a black disciple.

"Is everything ready for this girl?"

The disciple bowed, "All are ready."

"Take it and give her a look."

"Yes, Patriarch."

The disciple in black left, and soon came back with a big burden, and opened it, all of which were condensed by Shen Ning, as well as many.

"Girl, are you at ease now?"

"Uncle is really a believer. I sent so many good things to me, thank you and thank you." Shen Ning smiled, but soon she closed her smile and frowned: "It's just that there are too many things. , Can you send me another carriage? "

"Yes, the head of the cabinet has already sent Xiaoer to prepare a carriage for you, let you leave, and call Xiaoer."

Before long, a thousand face son appeared in front of the two.

"Is the carriage ready?" Asked the owner of Zixiao Pavilion.

"I'm ready." The son of Qianmian answered, raising his eyes to look at Shen Ning.

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