Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1791: Brain squeezed by the door

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Thousand-faced son shook his head, his face full of unbelief, but did not speak.

Master Zixiao Pai patted him on the shoulder and said to Yan Yue: "You listen to the words of your uncle, and take the pollen that laughs suddenly, your uncle must fulfill your wish, and put your beloved girl in your hands completely. . "

Thousand-faced son still standing still, calling out: "Fair Father!"

"You can rest assured that your father-in-law knows a lot. You have been in the cabinet for many days. I do n’t know that in these days, I have successfully made this medicine for forgetfulness. After taking this medicine, it will only make people forget the previous. In the past, it will not affect his intelligence and thought. "

Thousand-faced son doubted: "Really? Father, haven't you lied to me?"

The Master of the Xiaoxiao Pavilion said positively, "Your father can deceive the world, but he has never lied to you. Do you still refuse to believe your righteous father?"

Thousand-faced son stared at the Lord Zixiao Pavilion for a while, unsure of his mind.

"Do you want your righteous father to make an oath before you believe it?" Lord Zixiao snorted, showing a dissatisfied look.

"Father, you still swear, Xiao'er will rest assured." The son of Qianmian hesitated, and finally said it.

"Okay, that righteous father swears, if I deliberately deceived you, I will be punished with five thunders, and my son will be a grandson!" The Lord Zixiao raised his right palm and took an oath.

Thousand-faced son was moved and regretted at once, shouting: "Right Father!"

"Okay, go get the pollen. The day is about to dawn. I want to make this medicine before dawn."

The thousand-faced son nodded, and then he turned around with confidence.

The Lord Zixiao kept watching his figure, and when he disappeared so that no shadow could be seen, he slowly raised the corner of his lips, revealing a smile of unknown meaning.

Shen Ning slept very deeply on this sleep, and it wasn't until the next day that she shot three shots that she opened her eyes confusedly and found that the sky was already bright and the sun was flooding the room.

"Huh? How did I sleep so long? It's strange."

She rubbed her eyes and sat up.

"Aunt, are you awake?" Suddenly, a clear water-like voice rang at the door.

Shen Ning stunned, and when he looked up, he found that Qianshangzi was carrying a basin of wash water, and came in with a smile on the front.

"You, why are you here again?" She frowned.

The thousand-faced young man smiled and said, "I'll serve the aunt."

Although he was wearing men's clothing, the tone and expression of his speech all revealed the charming and tenderness when dressed as a woman, only to see Shen Ning stunned.

"Little white-eyed wolf, are you taking the wrong medicine? Or is your brain squeezed by the door? Or is it that you pretend to be a woman and addicted to it, right? This is not a palace, you don't need to be a woman anymore, you are a pious The young master of Zixiao Pavilion actually did this kind of low-level, low-level, four-serving service. You are so kind to do it, but I dare not use it! You please! "

Shen Ning settled down, and then issued a guest order.

Her mouth has always been unforgiving. These words only said that the thousand-faced son was blushing, but he was not angry, but smiled.

"Auntie, I still like to hear you call me a thousand times. Although it feels bad to be a woman, it was the most memorable time in my life."

Shen Ning only felt that the cold hairs on his arms were all erected.

"Hey, can you speak well, you have my goose bumps?"

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