Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1790: Would rather raise a dog

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Lord Zixiao smiled and said, "Yes, it's because she can't solve it, so I will come up with this method. This obsessive medicine will make her forget all the people and everything before. She took it. After the medicine, she will sleep for a while, and then wait for her to wake up. The first person she sees is you. At this time, she is like a blank piece of paper. What you tell her, she will believe what, how , Xiaoer, are you still satisfied with this arrangement of your uncle? "

He couldn't help showing complacency.

Thousand-faced son was pale, and his body was covered with cold sweat, he shivered: "No, righteous father, you have never configured this forgetfulness medicine. After the people you tested before took the forgetfulness medicine, one by one All of them became stupid idiots, and they kept me in their minds like crazy, it was terrible! No, I do n’t want her to be a fool, an idiot! "

He shook his head violently and stepped back step by step, as if he wanted to win the door.

In any case, he will not let his uncle hurt her a little bit!

"Xiao'er, you stop me!"

The Lord Zixiao drank abruptly, the son of Thousand Faces shook all over, stopped, and the cold sweat on his forehead froze. He looked at the Lord Zixiao with a resisting face, his eyes did not flinch.

"Father, if you want this idea, please forgive Xiaoer! You can kill her if you want to turn her into a fool idiot!" He said with pain in his face.

She is so clever and smart, so lively and smart, he just likes her wit, if she really becomes a fool ... that is terrible!

He believed that she would rather die than turn herself into a fool and an idiot.

Lord Zixiao's face stretched tightly, and a pair of falcon-like eyes were fixed on the thousand-faced son.

"Dare to disobey!" He said coldly.

Thousand-faced son couldn't help shivering. He never violated his righteous father's orders, but this time, he said nothing.

He clenched his teeth and did not speak, protesting in silence.

"Very well, the uncle really raised you in vain. I have taught you for so many years. I have known this for a long time. I would rather have a dog than I would raise you!"

The thousand-faced son paled and knelt in front of the Lord Zixiao.

"Grandfather, if the grandfather regrets adopting Xiao'er, then ask the grandfather to give Xiaoer a death. This life was given by the grandfather. Now the grandfather takes it back, and I die!"

Lord Zixiao stared at him closely, slowly raised his right palm, and pressed slowly against his Tianling cover.

There was no fear in the eyes of the thousand-faced young man. He looked calm and waited quietly for the arrival of death.

Suddenly, the right palm of Zixiao Pavilion spit with strength, only to hear a click, and the floor-standing vase in the room was smashed into pieces by his palm.

"Good boy, he has guts and is not afraid of death. His father did not mistake you!"

The Master of the Xiaoxiao Pavilion smiled and reached for the arm of the Thousand Face Young Master, and he stood up involuntarily.

He stared blankly at his father-in-law and asked, "Right father, won't you kill me?"

Lord Zixiao smiled indifferently: "Stupid boy, just now your father just tried to test your heart. If you can kill that girl, why would your father hurt her?"

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