Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

He always kept a cold face on his face, rarely when his expression was alive, but when he saw the snake, his entire expression changed.

Shen Ning can't help but want to tease him.

Mo Chuan glared at her angrily, his eyes falling on the several unopened wooden boxes beside him.

"Is it all ... that thing?" He pointed with fear, but he never dared to open any wooden box.

"What is that thing?"

Shen Ning smiled and couldn't help but want to tease him, picked up a box and sent it in front of him.

"Would you like to open it and see?"

Mo Chuan looked back like a fierce beast of the flood, and took a step back suddenly, staring at Shen Ning.

"dont see!"

"Hee hee."

Shen Ning said with a smile: "The white-browed viper in this box has two white eyebrows and ranks fifth among the ten poisonous snakes. The poisonous snake is also very violent, but it is dead and will not bite. You Don't be nervous. "

"Who said I was nervous, I ... I hate snakes!" Mo Chuan lifted his chin and forced himself to calm down.

"Well, you do n’t like these snakes, but I like them tightly. Every snake in it is extremely rare. I do n’t know where my master got so many treasures. He gave them so generously. I."

She stroked the wooden box, her face showing gratitude.

Mo Chuan couldn't help saying: "Ning'er, you were bitten by a snake, are you afraid of these things?"

Shen Ning smiled and said, "Why should I be afraid, they are all dead, not to mention they are dead now, they can't bite me, even if they are alive, I don't have to be afraid, you forgot my master gave it Am I a poisonous rhinoceros pill? "

"Your master, your master, can you not mention these three words!" Mo Chuan finally shouted intolerably.

His ears are now full of the three words "My Master". As soon as he heard these three words, Gu Qingze's yin and yang strange face appeared in front of his eyes, making him angry.

Do not like Gu Qingze!

He didn't like it at all! I was even irritated when I heard his name!

"Okay, I won't mention it, Mochuan, can you go out first, eh?"

Shen Ning reached out his hand and pushed him out of the door.

Mo Chuan was even more unhappy. He stood still, and his feet were like roots.

"Why drove me away?" He clearly wrote the words unhappy on his face.

Shen Ning stomped his feet angrily and funny: "Okay, I won't chase you away, but you can't be afraid to see what I'm going to do."

Mo Chuan sneered: "I never knew what fear is."

"Okay, then you can stay here, but you are not allowed to bother me."

"Well." He agreed, and sat down in his chair, looking at her intently.

Shen Ning took out all the things in the bag and arranged them in an orderly manner on the table. She thought about it and took a red lacquered wooden box and opened the lid.

Mochuan could not help but stiffen his back when the lid opened.

Fortunately, the box was not a venomous snake, but a large and vivid centipede, red and black, which at first glance knew that it was highly toxic.

If it wasn't obvious that the centipede was dead, he would almost grab it and press down the wooden box and fall out of the window.

What the **** is this Gu Qingze, why did he send so many poisonous insects to her?

Mo Chuan whispered in his heart.

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