Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1288: The snake is gone

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

He knew that she hadn't noticed it, and she didn't know.

What she didn't know is that this whole Guanju Palace was designed by him personally. A bed, a table, and even every vase in the room, including every piece of clothing in the wardrobe, were all his own hands. Picked, selected personally, how much thought he spent in this Guanju Palace, only he himself knows.

He didn't want to tell her all about it, he just wanted to make her happy, if she boasted one day: "This vase is so beautiful."

He will be happy and happy all day.

If she casually said: "How strange is this teapot."

Then the teapot will disappear the next day, and a new teapot will reappear.

And in the jewelry box on the dressing table, every piece of jewelry was carefully selected for her.

He knew that she did not like flamboyant and vulgar things, so every piece of jewelry was delicate and smart, like a piece of art.

But no matter how beautiful or good the jewelry, she never took a glance at it, and let those jewelry he chose for her be covered with a thick layer of dust.

He looked at everything in his eyes. Although he was disappointed in his heart, he didn't say anything. He still put some small gifts in various places in the room every day, hoping to attract her attention and exchange her with a surprise admiration. .

But not all!

He spent so much time thinking that she had never seen it in her eyes.

But the pile of mess that Gu Qingze gave her was like a baby, she didn't even let herself touch it.

Mo Chuan was more and more angry, he suddenly picked up a wooden box on the table and quickly opened it.

Huh, if you do n’t let him touch, do n’t let him see, he would like to see what amazing baby this surnamed Gu gave her!

"Mochuan, don't!"

Shen Ning exclaimed, trying to stop, but it was too late. How could she pass Mochuan faster.

She could only watch Mo Chuan open the lid of the wooden box, and then see Mo Chuan's instantly rounded eyes.

"This, this ... this ..."

Mo Chuan's hand shook, and the wooden box landed on the ground with a snap, and a long snake that was like a zigzag band fell out of the box.

His eyes were fixed on the long snake, his back stiff, and the whole person seemed to be acupunctured.

Although he could see at a glance that this was a dead snake, the deep-seated fear and aversion from the bottom of his heart made him almost out of control.

"Ah, I said I won't let you drive. You have to open it. I just don't want you to see this. I see it now. Do you regret it?"

Shen Ning pursed her lips and watched Mo Chuan become like a puppet, feeling very angry and funny.

"Why did he send this ... something for you?"

Mo Chuan swallowed before he could speak.

As the saying goes, he was bitten by a snake for one year and was afraid of Jingsheng for ten years. Especially not long ago, he saw the scene where she was bitten by a poisonous snake.

"This is called the silver ring snake, and it is the head of the world's ten most viper, this is a rare treasure."

Shen Ning bent down with a smile, picked up the dead silver ring snake and put it back into the box again, and closed the lid.

"Okay, Snake Snake is gone." She said to him in a grinning tone, and she stuck his tongue out and made a grimace.

Mo Chuan's fear of snakes is so cute.

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